Chapter 12: Finally

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Hey wassup V sauce, Michael here


Update: It wasnt good, Honestly after this week I think I just dont like chicken anymore 

Also hey hmu if you wanna be friends I need more of those, if youre in North Carolina then fr cause thats where I'm moving to next week, (I'm there now)

Also hey I know I keep changing shit but I'm too tired to keep puting things in

Should I make a chapter about Max's court date? If I do it's be very angsty and sad, yes or no? 

Nah Ill do that next one I think


During the car ride to the near by woods they picked up their food and parked around the edge closest to Davids place. But they had a bit of walking to do, David of course came prepared and wouldn't let Max go without a coat of sunscreen and his own can of bug spray. "I spend every summer at the lowest budget camp site in the country you really think I care about bugs?"

"Fine but when you get bit or get sick from something I'm not taking care of you." Though in all honestly of course David would take care of him. They've both gotten pretty sassy since living together though.

Davids phone went off so he picked it up as they started walking, "Hey James, me and Max are headed on the trail now with lunch and stuff, I've got the bag." Bag..? Max rolled his eyes and walked a bit ahead, kicking rocks out of his way and looking around at all the plants.. "I guess its.. Kind of cool out here..." He mumbled to himself, the'd been walking for quite a while now.. He was getting pretty bored so he started walking a little ways off the trail. Suddenly his eyes lit up as he spotted something on the ground. David hung up his phone after finishing the conversation that had been going for a while now and finally caught up to Max, "Are you okay?" He asked, seeing Max hunched over on the ground made him worry a bit. Till Max turned around, his eyes lit up and a smile on his face, his hands looked like they were full of dirt..?

"Look what I found-" He said excitedly, turning around to face David and extending his arms out, "Its.. A very nice rock Max.."

"You have a water bottle with you right, pour that on it then you'll see what I mean." David hesitated but Max seemed really excited so he took out his bottle and poured at lest half of it out to clean the rock, but once a lot of the dirt was gone there was a pretty blue color showing though, it was some kind of gemstone..? "Oh wow- That looks like.."

"It's blue beryl! I mean.. I-Its not worth much... But.."

David smiled and set his backpack down getting out an empty bag, "That's so neat that you were able to identify it Max! You have a great eye! Do you want to put it in here to keep it safe? We can clean it better once we get home or maybe find a clean stream." Max nodded and after staring at it for a moment longer her put it in the bag and watched as David carefully wrapped it up and set it inside before they continued on their walk.

"Where did you learn about rocks Max?"

Max perked up a little and shrugged as they started walking more, "I guess the only plus side of being in the woodscouts was having lots of information on hand. Learning how to spot them and memorizing the stone names was just the easy part."

"Right.. Sometimes I forget that you missed a summer or two at Camp Campbells..."

"Yeah.. Never thought I'd miss that hell hole but, it was better then being screamed at by Pikeman or beat up by the other sh- idiots there.." David frowned, Max had really been having it rough these past few years huh..? "Well you learned a lot and now your back, and I've got a lot of fun ideas for next summer!"

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