Chapter 7: #Bisexual Family

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A/N at the bottom

RECAP cause I've been gone for a bit: 

Max is getting his own room, and Daivd is working on getting the court to give him custody of Max. Also I'm changing some things

 Max is now 14, his first year of camp he was 10, this was it gives Max more backstory and things I want to add and also makes this fanfic not a lolli con in itself lmao.

Aaaanyway Max was setting up his room mostly and David left to go to his date or whatever. Back to the story.

It had been a good half hour before there was a knock on the door, Max was finishing putting the last of his things away when he heard it. He cautiously went to the door and looked though the peep hole, having to be on his tip toes to get to it whereas David would have to bend down, the nerve of the asshole, being so tall... 

It was Gwen, on her phone. Max sighed and opened the door, "Uh- Hey" He was so unsure about how to even talk to her outside of camp, he'd obviously be as rude as always but, this like, his house, and it was just so awkward.. "Well how've you been you little shit?" Gwen smiled and sat on the couch, Lyra jumping into her lap and laying there for her to be pet. Max smiled a little and sat next to her after closing the door. But not too close, "Well.. Me and David went shopping today, we got some pretty cool sh- stuff..." Gwen raised an eyebrow, he actually didn't curse.. He really was rubbing off on him. "Thats awesome, I bet you freaked out when you found out that he has a whole life outside of camp right? When he first told me he was a writer-" She laughed a bit, "And that he made actual money, man I was not ready to hear that heheh.." Max held back a chuckle and nodded, "Yeah, I was convinced he lived in the woods or something, and I didn't know he had a pet either, Id never even pet a cat before coming here"


"Yeah, my live wasn't exactly great outside of camp.." She nodded in understanding, "Tell me about it, I mean, my dad was a try hard when I got older but man my teen years were a mess, I guess thats more on me though. But I'm happier now, and even if it kind of sucks, its a different kind of sucks" She shrugged, "Anyway, wheres the man in question" Max used the thumb to point behind him to the hall, "His room I think, I've been in my room for the past hour so"

Of course as if it was planned and timed perfectly, David stepped out of his room and waved to the two, "I thought I heard talking" He said with a cheery smile, "It's good to see you, I'm almost ready to head out, you remember where everything is right?" 

"If I don't I'll figure it out, or have this little gremlin help" They both chuckled a little. David just smiled as happy as ever. And after a few minutes he was ready to head out, he wanted to hug Max goodbye but didn't want to get to close, so he just ruffled his hair a little as he said goodbye before heading out. Lyra moved over to Max climbing up onto his shoulder like he had before but snuggled a little closer, "Oh wow she really likes you.. I guess if animals like you then you aren't as evil as you look haha. So when was the last time you ate?"

Max thought for a moment, "Uhh, lunch.. We went to that creepy diner David always goes to." 

"Ah. Krystal's... Yeah looks like something out of a horror movies doesn't it?" Max laughed a little, "Oh god yeah it does-" She smiled a bit and leaved back, "Well if you get hungry just let me know, I'm sure hes got a full fridge but I'm also down to order chinese food" He nodded a little as he pet Lyra, "You know where everything is right?" He asked after a moment of silence. "Yeah mostly, why?"

"Does he have any video games or movies? Like, good movies though" She thought for a second and got up opening the cabinet that the TV was sitting on. "Uhh, he has a few movies but I think he has a cable pack too, so you can probably find something on there.. And I thought he had a game system, it was old but it worked.. That kid probably took it since he was practically living here all summer.." He slowly scooted closer to the TV trying not to make Lyra fall off, he reached over and grabbed the remote, "Then lets see whats on TV" He made sure to say that before turning on the TV so that if it was loud it wouldn't scare Gwen who was right under it. Not that shed be too bothered by it but she was glad he wasn't as bad as she thought he'd be.

"He flipped though some channels and landed on a baking show, it was all old British lady's who were cursing like he did. He set the remote down and leaned back again, Lyra moving to his lap so she could be pet. Gwen sat back down, "Is this the kind of shows you like? Not being judgmental just curious" She asked adding the last bit to clarify. "I dont watch a lot of TV but this looked funny.. I mean, how do you expect these old heads to cook without their hands cramping or teeth falling out?" They both chuckled and settled down just watching the show. Gwen glanced over to Max occasionally, wondering how shitty his live really was.. Hed never met a cat, hed never had video games.. He didnt was TV or go out to eat... She felt bad for him but she couldn't act like he was a baby who needed constant comfort. He clearly didn't want that, or didn't know how to accept it at least. But he seemed to be doing a lot better. It was a tricky situation, but he was getting though it surprisingly well.

After about four episodes David finally came back, quietly closing the door to see the two sucked into the show. He chuckled softly and get a bag down on the kitchen counter, "Hey guy~" He said in a sing song tone. Max looked over to see him, Gwen took a moment to come back to reality. "What did you even do?" 

"A few things, but I went back and got you a phone since we forgot earlier, and I had someone there help set it up and put my number in there so you'd have it, and Gwens number just in case." She rolled her eyes, he didn't ask to use her number but its not like he gave it to someone she didn't know. "And then I got some soda, since all I have is juice and milk I'm sure youd want something else. And I went to see my editor and gave him the finished stuff that I'd printed out since his machine was broken."

"So thats why you were in your room?"

"Yeah, my desk and printer are in there so I just had to wait till it was done before I could head out. Did you guys eat while I was gone?"

They both shook their heads, "Well are you hungry?" They both nodded a little. Cute.. "Same here, what do you guys want to eat? I'm thinking we order something since itll be a lot faster then cooking right now." He picked up the phone and went over to the couch, 

"Lets take a vote"


So hey I know its been a while shits been crazy and I'm moving again in two weeks so yknow, I always pick the worst time to start writing again lmao. But yeah so I wont get too into thinks but I turned 18 recently and things suck and are great at the same time. Ill be writing more now that I finally have a direction to take this story in. If you have any suggestions or headcanons lemme hear them cause I wanna make this interesting for everyone. Anyway yeah I also got another tattoo but by someone else its a cat in the shape of a heart for the kitten I lost and my general love of cats. Thats all for now I think but also if you wanna know anything about me you can ask that too cause I'm bored lol. But yeah I'm back and expect more chapters to come out and thanks for sticking with me for this long <> 

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