Chapter 2: Come Meet Lyra

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Finally David pulled into the driveway. It was a nice little house with a small porch and a small yard. It was plain white, which seemed a bit odd since Max thought David would want to paint all over it or live in a giant rainbow... "As long as you have your rules and shit I have one too-" David perked up a little, "Of course! What is it?"

"Don't pretend"

"I- ..What?"

"Don't do what you always do- Stop pretending to give a shit, at least here ok? You're not obligated to always be happy and shit and you're not like some father figure for me to follow. So don't act like it or anything" That might have sounded rude but he had to be blunt about it, if David wasn't happy he didn't want him to hide it. But he isn't too good with words and things come out a little harsh.. David paused and thought about what he said for a second, "Well, I can't promise anything, but Ill try. The same goes for you then! Dont hide how you feel for my sake or something, and theres no role you need to fill here." They both smiled a little before getting out and going inside. Some teenager was there getting a smudge off a window, "Do you have a son???" David laughed, "Oh no, he's my house sitter! I have a cat that I can't bring with me so I have my neighbor come over and feed her and clean up!" He smiled greeting the kid and paying him for the last week before waving him off.

Max looked around, "I didnt think you were a cat person.. To be honest I wasn't sure you were a person at all." David rolled his eyes, "I wasn't a cat person till a few years ago, Lyra was a stray that I found while hiking- I brought her home and fixed her up and she hasn't left my side since.. I hate to leave her here but she hates the outdoors... Oh I forgot to ask if you like cats!"

"Never met one-"

"What!? Oh well that just won't do!" He went around the house finding the cat and gently picking it up sitting on the couch with her. "Come here Max! She's really friendly" he hesitated but sat on the end on the couch a bit away from David and Lyra. She mewled and slowly made her way to Maxs lap. She was a little fluffy black ragdoll cat with blue eyes. She looked a little mean which made Max hesitate, she climbed up on his lap like she owned the place, and she probably did. She stared Max down for a second, "Creepy- It's like it's looking right through me- I-I don't like it." As he said that she made a pleased meow and nuzzled against him leaning up climbing his hoodie and resting on his shoulder. David laughed, "She really likes you, I'm glad" She rubbed against him, Max just eyed her for a second before slowly lifting his hand and petting her. He smiled a little letting himself relax. This was ok.

Max sat on the couch playing with Lyra, he'd grown pretty attached to her in the past ten minutes that he's known her. David was in the kitchen, he didn't know if Max was hungry but he was, and having something already made would be nice, "You don't have any allergies do you?" Max thought a second, "Nope" He didn't bother to look up, he was busy playing with Lyras' paws. " soft" He mumbled- His eyes seeming to light up. David just chuckled and nodded a little continuing his work. "You can look around if you want to yknow? It's your house too now" He said as he turned the stove on. "Oh- Yeah.." Max felt some odd feeling, maybe it was all hitting him now? All that had actually happened.. What the hell was he doing? What was David doing? He couldn't take care of a kid- There was paper work and shit he'd have to do.. So much shit they'd have to go though to actually do this. He should've just stayed with his parents, even if they were shitty... "Max?" David called, for the third time. He jumped up snapping out of his thoughts, "Huh-?"

"Dinners done if you want any- I just made pasta, since it's easy and reheat-able heheh.." Max glanced over at the kitchen, "I'm not too hungry, but thanks" David nodded, obviously it'd take time for him to adjust, and it was a pretty odd situation all together, just like everything he'd have to be patient and prepare for the worst. "Alright, well I have a guest bedroom you can use till we get a bed this week. You can take Lyra with you if you want, she loves to cuddle" He just nodded and got up, carefully picking her up. That was good, usually Max wasn't careful or caring with anything, so it was nice to not have to worry about how well he'd handle her.

He led Max to the room, it was mostly empty save for the large bed and old looking dresser. There was a closet door with a mirror hanging on it though it didn't interest him any. Then another door on the opposite side, probably to a bathroom? He stepped in setting Lyra down on the bed, "Thanks" He said quietly. David smiled an patted him on the back, "If you get hungry at some point in the night feel free to root around haha.." He turned to leave but wanted to say one last thing to him before going off, "Goodnight Max" He said a little softer instead of his usually cheery tone. "..Goodnight, David" Max said back giving him a little smile before turning the light off and climbing up onto the bed. It was actually pretty comfy despite it looking like it'd be a cement block. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, Lyra resting on his chest under the thick monochrome blanket. He could get used to this..

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