Chapter 18: Diwali [Part 2]

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//This part is a littler short, but it's about to get sad next chapter so haha buckle up kiddos

David looked down to see a small box. It wasn't wrapped of colored, but it did look a little bent like it had been dropped or shoved against something before. David didn't really care though, he just shrugged and opened it. Inside there was a thin layer of foam but on top of it there were quite a few plant seeds, all different shapes sizes and colors. "What are these for?"

"Oh I have no idea what they grow, but I figured that um... Since your house is so boring.. A-And plain looking.. You should grow some shit and make your yard useful. And.. Maybe... Since I'm gonna be here, we could plant them together of something when it get warmer-" David was already tearing up, he was really glad Max wanted to do activities with him and put thought into the gift. "I wish I had known that you're suppose to get something for the people close to you, I would've-"

"I know you would have, that's why I didn't tell you dumbass. Just dont make a big deal of it alright." David nodded and calmed himself down. After setting the box aside he went and got the candy theyd made. "Why dont we watch a movie too? Its not too late right?" Max shrugged, "Fine, but I get to pick the movie this time!" He smiled a bit and went over to the TV to get the remote first, "Just no horror alright?" Max rolled his eyes and picked a movie that looked good. It didn't say it was horror, but there was a ghost of a dead kid that appeared. Making Max tense a little when he remembered Jasper back at camp. 

David tilted his head a little when he saw Max react to the ghost boy, "What's wrong kiddo, looks like.. You've seen a ghost!" He couldn't help be laugh at his own joke trying to lighten the mood. 

"I-" Max thought about it, David didn't know.. He shouldn't say anything then should he.. "Are you superstitious Max? Dont worry it's just a movie!"

"Its not that asshat. I'm not superstitious, but.. I do believe in ghosts. I'm not scared of them though I just.. Never mind. It doesn't matter"

"Just what? What have you seen one before? That's so cool! I've always thought it would be cool to meet a ghost! How was it? Was is scary? Was it sweet?" Max rolled his eyes and shook his head. "It was.. Well it was scary, but not because-  Ughhh just forget it.. I was probably just imagining it all anyway so just leave it."

"Well I'd like to think that Ghosts are real too.. It can be comforting to believe that the people close to you are still with you somehow."

"The people close to you huh.. So... If you got the chance to see a ghost of someone you knew, you wouldn't shit your pants?" David laughed a little, "Well, I might be freaked out a little, but I think I'd really like to see someone I used to know."

"Then I guess we have next summer to look forward to huh.." David made a confused look at Max's comment, "Oh what, is camp campbell haunted?" Max didn't answer that. David looked a bit more confused, almost worried. "Wait.. Wait wait, did you... You saw a ghost, at camp??" Max shrugged, "I mean.. It technically wasn't at camp, it was on that island where Mr. Campbells creepy house is." David perked up, eyes sparkling. "Max can you see dead people???" 

"God, it's not like that. I'm not some occult freak who can talk to dead people. I just.. I dunno."

"That's so cool though Max I'm really glad you were able to tell me. Though.. You are getting a little old for camp huh..?"

Max looked a little concerned, "W-What do you mean?" David shook his head, "Oh no no, I didn't mean that you wouldn't go to camp anymore, I just meant that, you're a teenager now, and that you aren't a kid, so being a camper might not be as much fun. But I'd always want you there every summer no doubt. But maybe... You could think about, oh I dunno- Being a counselor?" Max laughed out loud, taking a moment to calm himself down. "Me? A counselor? You've gotta be shitting me"

"Language Max, c'mon. It wouldn't be so bad!"

"Not so bad? David you do realize that there's gonna be more kids like me right? Little hell raisers, and I'll be nothing but an enabler for them to wreak havoc?"

"Well then I guess you'll be jobless all summer, and I'll make extra activities for the campers to keep you busy. Oh and since I'm your guardian now I can sign you up for whatever camp I want can't I?"

"Oh you wouldn't dare" Max glared at him, not actually that mad though. "Oh wouldn't I? How to you feel about sewing all summer? Or maybe behavioral correction camp?" Max rolled his eyes, "Oh so that's how you wanna play it huh? Okay, and if I'm a counselor all my activity's are going to be about fire and demolition!"

"A fire safety and construction class? Sounds great!"

"That is not what I said asshole!"

//There's just no winning with David is there..?

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