Chapter 5: Problems

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//Uh quick A/N.. So I'm going though shit atm, parents fighting and prolly gonna split up so idk where I'm gonna go.. And trying to get on the right medications. Ugh, so yeah I'm hella depressed and my writing my be a bit too? Idk and I know it's no one business I just wanted to vent a little. Also I gave myself a tattoo a few days ago cause I figured it was better then self-harming? My sister sent me tattoo ink and yeah. It's on my thigh over my scars and it says, "HUMAN" I like how it turned out tbh, I'll put a picture maybe at the bottom? I also havent been on in a while cause of things. Thats it ig, back to the story//

Max and David went to another near by store, Max was still a bit hesitant to let David get all these things for him.. It was odd having someone genuinely want to be nice to him without asking for something back. "Something wrong Max?"

"Uh- Huh?"

"You look lost in thought, is everything alright in there?" Max shrugged shoving his hands in his hoods pockets, "I mean, yeah. But.. I'm just not used to this."

"To what? Shopping?"

"You- I-I mean, not all of you. Just like, you're way too nice. My parents would never let me get something if I hadn't worked for it or paid for it myself. Even on my birthday or Christmas, anything I got had to be worked for.. And dad was always mad about something, he was always yelling and slamming doors and breaking things... Mom barely ever spoke unless we were alone, otherwise she;d just ignore me like I didn't exist"

"Max.. Thats terrible, but, everyone deserves to be happy, everyone deserves to live how they want and if I can help even one person do that I will. Every person is very different from the next, so.. Even if that's how it was, this will be better! Or at least I'll do my best to make it better!"

//Boi I wish I had someone like David here//

Max smiled a little and nodded continuing to shop with David for clothes and things he'd want in his room like books and drawing supply's. And when they were done they went back home to put the things they could carry into Maxs new room before going out again for other things.

"So.." Max finally spoke up as the got home, helping carry things inside. "Can I ask you something kind of personal?" They set the things down in Max's room, David nodded, "Sure, ask away!" He went out into the kitchen to feed Lyra and came back after. "Ok so if things didn't work out with Bonquisha and you aren't gay then is there anyone you like?" David thought a second, not that he minded telling Max these things but he knew Max for trying to try to mess things up.. "Well, I used to like Gwen-"


"Yeah, we're really good friends! And I'd do anything for her yknow? She helps me when I'm sad and she's smart too. But we both have different views on things and I realized that we'd just be better as friends." Max nodded a little as he set up a few posters he happened to get. One of Deadpool and another of an anime he had watched before summer. He went across the hall to where he had slept and grabbed his bear taking out a few old photos from a hole in the bear he made into a pocket over at camp. He came back finding thumb tacks and pinning the photos up with a little smile. They were of school field trips and one or two of his first year of camp. David smiled a little and decided not to say anything about it. If he did Max would probably get embarrassed and take them down. "I am going on a date soon-" That was a bit late but ok.. "Though I'm not really sure if I like this person, I guess I'll update you, if you want?" Max nodded without fully realizing what David was saying, he was busy with putting the pictures up.

//Oki so they already got groceries cause I dun wanna write about it lmao//

"I forgot- theres something I need to do, I'll have to go out for a bit.. Why don't you stay here?"

"..Sure, you gonna be gone long?" Not that Max would admit but he didn't like being alone. It also reminded him of times when he was left alone in his house, or locked in his room by his dad, or worse locked in his closet. His dad wasn't lying about locking him up till school, he's done it before. "I won't be too long I hope, I have a fun idea though!" He got out his phone texting someone, it wasn't long before he got a reply and smiled. "I invited Gwen over for dinner! Shell be here with you while I'm out, not that I don't trust you but it's been a while since we've hung out away from work too! Hope that's alright?"

"innocent invite or a date haha, anyway its your house, not like I have a say-"

"It's our house now Max- You'll always have a say! Im going to my room for a second before leaving, if you want to you can put the clothes away? Or I'll do it later either way" Max nodded and got the clothes he had gotten out of the bag and made a pile of all the tags he'd taken off before putting them away. It was all starting to come together...

//CW: I'm putting the tattoo pic down here for is you don't wanna see meh leggy skip this.





















It was flagged so never mind

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