Chapter 14: Angst. Yay

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//Oh look a super sadish chapter 

Trigger Warning: Mentions of abuse. Nothing to graphic or detailed of course

That night Max tried his best to get to sleep, with Lyra at his side and some music playing from his phone quietly. It had worked fairly well at first but soon he shot up from his bed with a scared look. He glanced around the room trying to catch it breath and held Lyra a little closer. She shifted and started to purr snuggling up to Max. "It's just a dream.." He said to himself as he caught his breath. After a while he was a little scared to try and sleep again so he gently set Lyra down and headed out of his room to find a snack or something. Only to see David at the table, looks like he had the same idea.. "D- David?" He cause himself quickly, almost saying the wrong word. 

David perked up and his face quickly changed from tired and sad looking to a soft but happy expression. "Couldn't sleep? Me either.. Are you hungry?"

"Oh.. N-No. I just.. Might get a drink or something." David nodded and gently put his hand on the table. "Why dont you come sit down for a little bit, we could turn on the TV if you want to. Or.. We could talk?" Max hesitated but sat down across from David, glancing over to the TV, he didn't care either way. "What's there to say.."

"Well.. We're both awake at three in the morning. Maybe if I share first it'll make things a little less tense. I'm up cause I had a bad dream, so to try and get my mind off it I got some juice and I'm thinking about some good things."

"You had a nightmare too..?" David nodded in response, "I'm sure everyone gets them at some point, though I think you and I probably have them more often then others huh?"

"No kidding.." David got up and got another glass pouring some juice for Max too, "I had a dream where I couldn't protect the people close to me. It was very sad"

"..The people close to you...?" Max repeated softly as he took the glass. David nodded as he sat back down. "Mhmm, you were there too. I was so worried, but now I'm awake and here you are, so I know it'll be alright!"

Max perked up a little. It was odd to hear that he was someone David felt close to and wanted to protect.. It was nice. "I had a dream.." He started, making David perk up, he didn't expect Max to share but he was glad to hear him open up. "..That I was- With my parents." He didn't use the word home. "I had just woken up from a nap, I heard a-a loud crash and when I opened my door to peek though I saw my dad flipped the table, there was glass everywhere. I froze, I wasn't sure if I should hide in my room or try and stop him. He turned and saw me in the doorway so it was too late to run." He held onto his cup a little tighter. 

"He came at me and said something about how it's rude to spy on people. That I needed to be taught a lesson so he grabbed me and.." He stopped there for a long moment. "I woke up." He finally said. David sat there trying to think about how to react, he set his cup down and slowly got up. Calmly walking over to max before kneeling at his seat and hugging him. "That must has been terrifying. I'm sorry" Max tensed up at first, but hugged back after a moment with tears in his eyes, "..It was..." He mumbled back.

Max let go after a moment and David sat back in his seat, "I have an idea, why dont we try and play some music huh? Our house is pretty spaced out so no ones gonna be bothered by us playing at this hour. Its not like either of us are gonna get back to sleep any time soon heheh" Max nodded a little, "I was a little curious about how to play. Who taught you to play guitar?"

"It was.." He blushed a little, "My first boyfriend, I dont even know if we officially dated it was so stupid" He rubbed the back of his neck giving a small chuckle, "Looking back on it now he was such an idiot, but he knew a lot about music" Max laughed a little, "Was he one of those guys who'd bring his guitar to a party and play like the one song he knows?"

"Oh my gosh, yes-! It was so annoying! I can't believe I ever liked him-" He said with a laugh as he covered his face, "But, a lot of good came from knowing him. And though it didn't work out I learned a lot" He got up and got Maxs ukulele that was sitting in its case on the couch. "Is it alright if I tune it first? I'll show you how it works so you can take care of it yourself then if you want to we can go over a few chords." Max nodded and got up after him.

They sat and played together till the sun came up.

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