Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Max

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//Ignore the picture, I just can't stop laughing at it so I wanted to share it

//Also, Max is a fanon Libra cause he's bday, not relevant but just felt like sharing that

It had been about a month since the who custody situation. 

Max had just gotten home from school, heading to his room to put his things away, on his way back out to the kitchen for a snack he saw David and James. James had come over a few times since then, mostly to spend time with David and be stupid and romantic. But this time they were standing at the table as if they were waiting for Max. "Oh jeeze what now." He asked as he came closer. James grabbed something  from out of view and be fore Max knew it there was a cake sitting on the table, now lit and ready to blow out. In unison they both happily said "Happy birthday Max!" 

Max looked a bit surprised, "Wait really-?" He pulled out his phone and checked the date, "Well shit, I guess it is.." David had his phone out, ready to record as they sang the birthday song to Max. Smiling to himself as he captured Max blowing out the candles. "What did you wish for huh?" James asked excitedly. 

"I-" He covered his face with his hands, "I wished that-" He shook his head, apparently now too embarrassed to admit his wish. "Nothing- Just forget it, lets cut this shit open" David chuckled and rolled his eyes, handing James the knife since he didn't think it was wise to give it to Max.

After they ate David put his hand on Max's shoulder, he still flinched a little when people touched him, but he wasn't scared of it. "I was thinking maybe since you dont seem to want a party, that we could set something up to have you and your friends hang out on Halloween? Since you're a little old to go door to door for candy, and I'll find something to do so you can have the house to yourself dont worry." Max nodded a little, finishing the food in his mouth before talking. "Yeah alright, we could do that. How many people am I allowed to have over? And.. Does it matter who it is?"

"Well lets see.. This isn't a very big house, so as long as its not overrun I dont really have a limit. What do you mean by who? Is there someone I wouldn't get along with?" Max shook his head, "No but like, in my class some guys aren't allowed to have girls over and the other way around, I guess it's cause their parents think they're gonna make out or something which is bullshit but. Still figured I'd ask." David shrugged, "Well, I mean.. Are you gonna try to make out with someone you invite?" Max blushed and shook his head quickly getting defensive, "Fuck that, ew- No- I just meant that other parents- They have that idea- Not that I was gonna- You're shameless y'know that." David laughed, "Alright, alright I believe you- But I don't really care. I mean, I have no idea who or what you like anyway so I wouldn't try to assume or limit the friends you spend time with because of that."

Max nodded, he understood that logic. "Just cause, there's a few guys in my art club who are pretty cool. They're a year or two above me but we get along pretty well so I was thinking about asking them over. And I've been writing to Nikki and Neil.. So them too, that would be like.. 5 people or something."

"That'll be just fine then Max. I'm sure it'll be lots of fun."

"You could always spend Halloween with me" James suggested, "We get lots of kids on my street so our houses need lots of decorations you could help with?" David nodded saying that it sounded like fun, and after they'd made their plans and cleaned up Max got up about to head back to his room. "Ah- Wait right there young man." Max turned around, looking a little nervous. "You have to open your present still!" David said as he placed a brightly wrapped box on the table. Followed by a slightly bigger box. "The second one is from the both of us." Max hesitated, he still wasn't used to being given things.. He took the smaller box and carefully opened in, his eyes widened when he saw a brand-new sketch book alone with a few drawing tools. "Holy shit-" He said softly as he opened the book to inspect the pages. "I fucking love it" He said, looking up at David with a little smile. "I thought you could use a new one. It's a little higher quality then the one we first got you when you started living here, I can't wait to see what you do with it" Max gently set it down and gave David a hug, quickly pulling back and taking the second box and opening it a little faster, now excited to see what it was. 

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