Chapter 15: The Verdict

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//Okay so the first half is gonna be in September, school starts and his court thing is being held. Then next chapter it'll pass though October and Max's birthday and Halloween. And the last chapters gonna end in November, with Max and David kinda celebrating Diwali and making their own traditions with it. That's probably where I'll end the story. Unless yall want Max to get a boyfriend. Then maybe I'll make a bonus chapter about that, yay or nay?

//Also lets pretend that this lil kid I've circled is James just cause I dont feel like drawing him as a kid 

//Also lets pretend that this lil kid I've circled is James just cause I dont feel like drawing him as a kid 

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It had been a week since school started, as soon as Max got off the bus him and David would sit and do his homework together, usually David would have prepared a snack for them while they worked. Then David would do some work from his room for his next book while Max worked on other things or just hung around with Lyra, clubs didn't start till next month though he already knew he'd join the art club, didn't stop him from constantly drawing at home to pass the time tohugh.

Though today Max wouldn't be going to school. He woke up and was much more of a mess then usual, he could hardly keep down anything he ate. David knew it would be alright, but it must be hard to deal with that anxiety of seeing his parents, more specifically his father. David did his best to comfort and reassure him that things would be alright, but he was also saying that for himself too. If he somehow couldn't convince the court and for his parents to relinquish their custody of Max they could be in big trouble..

Of course it wasn't like some movie like David had seen before, though of course the room looked like it did in the movies there was hardly anyone there, there were no cameras or men in suits to be on his side. He couldn't tell if that was good or bad.. James was there though! He smiled and gave a small wave, Max did too, he looked a bit sick though. Mostly from nerves. 

Once they sat down on their side David looked up to see who the judge was, he smiled a bit and took a deep breath. He put his hand on Max's shoulder, "I know it's tough, but I'd never let anything happen to you."

"I know.." Max said back, taking a deep breath himself hoping that copying David might work. It wasn't. Max's parents were a few minutes late, Max wanted to talk to his mother when he saw her, to ask if she was okay. But she looked pissed, he figured that she was mad at him for wanting to leave so he stayed quiet, gently holding onto Davids arm. Squeezing tighter when he saw his dad. David tensed a little too out of habit, last time they saw each other he was when camp ended and David was sure he was gonna get beat up.. They looked at each other for a moment, he tried his best to maintain eye contact and hold his ground. 

Finally everything started, with the judge reviewing the case, "So I have the records from camp cambell," She started, "That the parents of Maxwell abandoned him is that correct?"

"Well, it's a little more complicated then that mam.. But yes." David said, "It was four days past the pick up date at our camp which we give calls to all parents and guardians a week in advance then the day before, we'd called twice a day each day for each day they didn't show and finally on the last day they came. Though he used his physical strength against Max and threatened him as he tried to drag him away. I protested and explained my concern and his father leg go claiming that he didn't want Max away, and then left him there without another word."

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