Chapter 8: I was Bored

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//I hecking love this picture ^^

//Also idk why I liked the name James, but he's an absolute unit and I love him already. Like just wait till I describe him to you.

So hes a fucking lumberjack, right, he's super dark/tan and looks like fuckin Mat from Dream Daddy but just wider, this is Mat below 

(Also short chapter)

Fuckin gorgeous right? Now that but w i d e r

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Fuckin gorgeous right? Now that but w i d e r

David is a twigggg this mass would snap him in two and thats his type.

My headcanon is that David will just fall for anyone with muscles who could crush him. Like thats it. Any gender, just as long as you could break him with one hand he's yours XD I'm gonna write him in later. He's also probably something like a doctor idk. Some kind of therapist

So yeah back to the story

After they voted and ordered Chinese food and ate. Gwen left after she finished eating and thanked them for the food. David thought it would be nice to watch a movie together or something since it was just the two of them and they didn't have a whole lot to talk about. He didn't think Max would want to sit still for so long though, but he probably wouldn't want to play a board game either.. "So there's a few weeks till school starts, I'm sure everything will be ready by then, but you'll be going to school right? I don't think I'd be a very good teacher heheh.." Max shrugged, "Yeah no shit-" He stopped himself and took a sip of his drink, after a moment when he wasn't yelled at for cursing he started speaking again, "I mean.. I would probably rather go to school, if I'm stuck with you too long I'd probably go insane heh" 

"Well I'm glad you're at least willing to get back to school, of course, it'll probably be a different one then you went to last year, I'm not sure where you lived.. Which reminds me, I know that um.. You may not have had the best, opportunities, where you lived.. But where you in any clubs? Or have any special classes that you liked..?" Max thought for a moment and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well.. I was in art club, I mean I was in robotics- But I hated it so I skipped out and just hung out in the art club. Dad said art was for f- A bad word. And trashed all my drawing stuff." David frowned and looked over at Max, "Yknow.. Your dad sounds like a real asshole." Max looked up, did David just fucking curse? "Pardon my language but if someone cant understand that art is for everyone then.. Then..." Max's eyes widened a little, was he going to curse again? "He just isn't a good role model for you" Max sighed softly, so close.. "Yeah no kidding.. But I have a question for you now" 

David perked up, "Yeah? Ask away!"

"How did you get a be a writer? That was so unexpected-" David shrugged a little, "Ah, well its a bit of a long story.. I used to write letters to this guy I liked. I never sent them but they piled up so after a while and I ended up making a short book of all the stuff I wrote that a friend of mine found.. He did columns for a small paper but someone else there read it and one thing led to another and it got published."

"Oh damn really? I guess weird things just happen and work out for you huh?" He chuckled softly, "I guess so, I've had a lot of cool things happen randomly, I mean.. I never expected to have you live with me. But I think this is going to be fun" Max rolled his eyes, "Don't get cheesy now" He said, a small smile showing though. "Alright alright, hey, so you like art right? Drawing and all that?" Max nodded a little, "Then I have a great idea, if you want to, we should work together on some stuff? Imagine how cool it would be to be a paid illustrator at only 14"

Max's eyes lit up, "Wait.. You'd really... But why?"

"What do you mean why?"

"You haven't even see me draw yet I could be total shit- You don't know how reliable I am to get things done you have no idea what my style would be like and if the people who read your stuff don't like what I do you could lose your audience its the worst idea you've ever had"

David shrugged, he knew Max got defensive about a lot.. Probably o he wouldn't get his hopes up? "I do put things out there for people, I do it for myself, to push myself and see what I can write. Thats how it's always been and sometimes when I put something out there I get lucky and people like it. But I dont care if people like it or not, but cause I'm proud of it. And personally.. Id be honored to have something of yours in my work."

Max made a face and shook his head, "Mm.. Fine! But only because you said I'd be getting paid-! Dont think it's cause I care about you or something got it!" He got up as if he was going to storm off but took this dishes and threw them out since it was all plastic stuff from the food he ordered and cleaned his spot before gently picking Lyra up from the couch and then heading to his room. David sighed softly and leaned back in his seat, "Well.. At least he cleaned up after himself.." He chuckled softly and put the left overs away. Thinking out loud about art supplies he'd need to get and a better way to encourage Max to do what he enjoys. It wasn't too late just yet so maybe..

Max was sitting in the guest room, since his didn't have a bed yet. Before it was Max's room it was just used as a storage room, but David did have much to store so it was easy to clean out. Suddenly he heard something being slipped under the door he perked up a little and hopped off the bed going to see what it was. It was a small stack of paper and a thin pack on pencils. The top piece had writing on it. 

"Hey buddy, I don't want you to feel pressured, but I noticed we didn't get any drawing stuff for you today so I hope this might hold you over till we get to doing some school shopping and we can get whatever you want then. You can even make a list if you think you might forget. But if its something you like then I really want you to be able to express yourself and have fun with it. If you need anything I'll be in my room. 



Max huffed and picked the paper and pack up tossing it onto the empty bedside table. "Stupid David being nice and shit.." He mumbled to himself, glancing back to the note after gently putting Lyra back in his lap. He looked back at Lyra who was rolling around in his lap happily. "You really like me huh.. Well too bad cause I'm super tough and dont need no one- Not even-"


"N-Not even-"


"... Fine! M-Maybe I do need... You. But you and no one else.. Cats are better then people anyway." 

"Goodnight Max" He heard David call out from his room before he heard a light click off, probably the hall light.. "Night Da- Dumbass!" He called back. Woah woah woah what word was he just about to say right then..? Lyra sat down on him and stared into his eyes, he made an annoyed face. "Don't look at me like that you have no dirt on me." She stuck out he tongue half way making the cutest face Max had ever seen.. He flopped back on the bed and sighed and she crawled onto his chest, "You're heavy.." He said softly. She laid down. "Oh fuck you.." 


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