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A/N: Hey, I'm sorry for not updating in so long.. I lost motivation and it's been crazy here with all the death and us possibly having to move again- Ugh, yeah lol so here a new chapter about David being a lowkey bisexual twink. Oh boy I can't even type that without laughing a little...

Also hey- New updated from me! I just moved out of state, so a main reason I haven't been able to update this is because I was packing and moving and unpacking and I'm staying with a friend and looking for my own place soooo haha yeah sorry it took so long but here it is!Hop you enjoy

So this bitch is getting real long, I may just make each two chapters into 1 so it only has like 6 chapters in total because this is too long right now, I normally down go above 13 chapters maybe 15 if I add a bonus or something so.. Just wanted to let you know whats up.

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