Chapter 9: Planned Outting

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N or O (I'm leaning towards N but idk..)

This is for something later involving Max and a friend

//Go follow my Instagram cause I'm moving in a week so if you want updates on that and personal shit or if you wanna look at my art. I do commissions like I draw (Example above), I write(Like this story and all my others), I make music(Rn I work for an animated series). I'm voice acting a bit rn too (For the same series) so if you want something hmu my Instagram is TigersEye9

Anyway there's lots of gay shit in this chapter

CW: Slight homophobia ?

I think I wanna make Max's dad super homophobic so he said a lot of fucked up things to Max so like Max has some forced views that like he obviously doesn't think like that but I just wanna have like some awkward talk where Max is just like, "My dad says gays fuck animals.." Or like "My dad said that gays fuck kids" Some stupid myth that's obviously not true but hes just been told weird and mean things and idk thats just my plan lol. 

So stay turned for "That one gay guy who accidentally ruined a fanfiction by adding internalized homophobia"

Also here's how Max's room will look, small details will just be added I'm lazy lol

Also here's how Max's room will look, small details will just be added I'm lazy lol

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It's been about a month or two that Max had been living with David now.

Max woke up morning to his phone going off, he slowly got up and opened the message to se that David all hyper, as usual, had texted him.. "Goooooodmooorning Max!"

"Fuck off."

"Breakfast is just about ready so take some time to wake up and join me when you're ready! Its gonna be pretty warm out so I thought we could go outside and do something fun later!" Max's eyes weren't even fully open but he was used to being woken up early from camp so it wouldn't be long now, he sighed at the screen in front of him and texted back. "No thanks Dad" David's eye widened and he smiled happily at the word, how cute. Then his phone was blown up with


"I meant David- Stupid fucking auto-correct"

"Dont you dare take that shit literally I didn't mean to type that!!!!"


David chuckled softly and headed back out to the kitchen, putting his phone in his pocket as Max grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom and got a quick shower. Fuck.. Once he came back out he sat down at the table and rubbed his eyes letting out a yawn. "Sleep alright last night?" David asked as he set a plate in front of Max before sitting down with his own, not bothering to bring up the texts since he didn't want Max to get defensive and storm off without eating first, Max sighed, "Maybe- I dont know, I kept waking up and hearing shit" David tilted his head a little, "What were you hearing?"

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