Chapter 13: Miscellaneous

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//Before we get started I wanted to let you in on something I'm doing, its been a growing trend to try and follow painting tutorials while high so I'm gonna make a video of me doing that and hopefully have it uploaded by the end on the month, I only have a few things on my youtube right now but if you're interested please go subscribe to Tigerseye&Rhodonite or my Instagram TigersEye9 I know I keep plugging my accounts lol but what can I say

//Alright so we left off with Max getting a gift and David being cute cool lets get this bread

After everything it was about time to head home, James insisted on walking them back to their car, mostly as an excuse to hold Davids hand the whole way back. Max just put his earbuds in so he didn't have to listen to the two while they headed back. Though at one point out of curiosity he turned his music off but left the earbud in so he could snoop and listen in on their conversation...

"So youll come then?" David asked softly, "Yeah, it'll be kinda scary if it was just you dont ya think? I'd be pretty freaked out in a room full of strangers too.. So, when's Max's birthday too? He's like 15 now?"

"He said it was October 10th, but he didn't sound very sure of his answer, it's no problem though we can celebrate whenever we feel like it. I was actually thinking of doing something Halloween themed, but I dont want to scare him.."

"Pfft.. Dont worry, you aren't that scary Davey I'm sure youll think of something, it's only September so you still have some time."

"Yeah, you're right. I just wish I could be more.. There, for him, yknow? I mean. I know I'm not his dad, but, I really want him to feel at home and feel safe with me. That probably sounds weird- But he's helped me a lot too, I guess I just dont want to lose anyone else, that's pretty selfish of me huh.."

"No, I think I get it, you've just got a big heart Davey. You've been though some crazy stuff too, its not a mystery why you want to help everyone, and why you get a little clingy sometimes.. He reminds you of her doesn't he?"

There was a moment of silence, Max felt confused, he also kind of felt like crying.. But in a good way, he felt bad for David, but he was really touched at how thoughtful and careful he was being. He never thought David was really serious about looking after him, even with constant reassurance it was hard to believe anyone really wanted him.. But he really did want to try and make a life for himself, even if he had to accept Davids help. They were growing on each other, it was a really weird idea of having David as his dad but, it's wasn't a bad one.

Soon after he turned his music back on, he'd heard enough. They got to the car and said their goodbyes, Max hesitated but took a deep breath and held his hand out to James, "You're not what I expected. But.. Today was fun. So... Thanks" James smiled and shook his hand, "Same goes for you Max, you've got a good head on your shoulders, you're gonna be just fine." David was tearing up over all that friendship and gave James a quick hug before heading off with Max. "I'm proud of you" David said as he drove down the road, "Proud? Ew why?"

David rolled his eyes, "Because you got out of your comfort zone to be nice to James today, I mean, you said thank you twice! In one day! That's a great start, and you hardly cursed, you didn't run too far off, I mean you're pretty mature so I didn't expect you to but it was nice that I didn't have to worry. I have something for you too but it'll have to wait till your birthday since it's so close. Which brings me to another question."

"And what's that..?" Max got a little nervous, wondering what kind of bullshit David would try to bring up.. "What do you want for your birthday? I mean, anything within reason of course. Do you want a party, would you rather go somewhere? If you dont want to do anything that's fine too, but I'd hate to assume you want a bunch of people over and invite them without asking first"

Max thought about it for a moment, "Well.. I- I dont know..."

"That's alright, you've got a few weeks to think about it, just let me know when you're ready!"

"Would anyone come even if I asked.." He said a little softer

"Well of course they would! It would be me and probably James, I'm sure Nikki and Neil would find a way to make it if you wanted, I mean I did help run the camp so I have their contact info. And school is starting soon so you can invite someone when you make some more friends! You're friends care about you, that much I know for a fact." 

"Whatever." Max said as he looked out the window, it was annoying but at the same time it was really nice to have that reassurance and cheerfulness. "So.. Are you and James... Dating now?" David chuckled a little and gave a light shrug, "Oh I dont think so, he's very nice and all but if I date him I'm gonna get way too attached and it'll be Bonquisha all over again. I think I'll stick to just going on dates every now and then for a while"

"You? Trying to think rationally about this? Who are you and what have you done with the real David?" He asked with a little chuckle.

Once they got home Max went over to the couch and laid down letting Lyra crawl onto his chest and curl up, "Oh jeeze you're getting heavy, what's David been feeding you huh?" David rolled his eyes and smiled, for the first month or so when Max first got there he was so cautious of everything and usually just went straight to his room, he was really glad Max was more comfortable now. "Hey Max, so.. I know you talked to James a little about youre sleeping issues a little bit, I didn't want to pry but I'd like to help you come up with a solution if you're open to it."

Max sighed a little as he played with Lyras fur, "Yeah.. I thought I could do it myself but that doesn't seem to work so.. Whatever your idea is it cant be worse then doing nothing and ignoring it"

"Well James suggested listening to music, so tonight you can do that if you feel up to it, and I'll make sure Lyra stays in your room so you have a cuddle buddy. And we'll go from there. And I know you dont need reminding but your court date is coming up fast, dont think too hard on it but I just want you to be prepared"

"..I know..."

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