Chapter 1

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It's cold.

The room's temperature is freezing. Walls that's painted in a certain shade of black and dark wooden flooring. The space is satisfying enough for Y/N to be contended with.

Least to say there's really nothing eye catching in her room that represents her own. There's a comfortable bed, a table, walk-in closet and her own bathroom.

Today's her first rest day where her father is nowhere to be seen.

Laying comfortably on the bed with her feet dangling from the side. It's refreshing. Peaceful.

She stayed on that position for hours now. Throwing the baseball on top of her and then catching it, the cycle continues in complete silence. She found it, the ball, when she was only five. The only thing that keeps her sane and entertained.

Y/F/N, a complete narcissist. Works for the Ministry who sometimes stays at home to pester and make Y/N's life more difficult than it is.

He trains her, of course. He said that one day she'll understand what he did to her. Taking her off her childhood and putting her instantly on magical discipline the day she learned how to talk.

It's a nightmare, but seriously, how could she even know that?

A mere eleven year old having a daughter and father bonding time by dueling each other knowing full well the father is at advantage but didn't went easy on her.

Being raised by her father is nowhere near good.

She started to resent her father for that when she got a letter from Hogwarts. Y/N didn't show it, her anger towards her father. Instead she played along and stayed put being his precious innocent daughter.


No one really payed attention to the Y/L/N family. The only time they were noticed was when Y/N's mother got killed by Death Eaters and it was reported in the Daily Prophet to the Wizarding World. That story got thrown out to the bin when Harry Potter 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' defeated the Dark Lord.

Only a few people were concerned about the Y/L/N family. The people who's on top of the Ministry and Dumbledore of course. Y/N is known for her prophecy to them. It's bothering them, for they couldn't control the outcomes of her future. Only she can pick her choices without Dumbledore being able to manipulate her. No one knows that though. They thought that once Dumbledore sends her an owl to study magic at Hogwarts, He'll be able to stir the child off the prophecy they saw and ought to avoid to see happening.


It's time.

Y/N pushed her cart with all the strength she had. Her father walking besides her walking like he's all important.

She checked her wand in her pocket.
Vine wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13 and solid flexibility. It's still there. Her mind started to cloud immediately, the possibilities of her wand getting missing.

"Y/N" The girl turned her head up to her father breaking from her thoughts.

"Remember, you're bringing our name there. Don't fail or you'll bring it down with you. Understood?" He said sternly. Y/N felt electricity ran on her back as she nodded once.

"Yes Father-" she stopped when he squeezed her shoulders harshly. She swallowed knowing what her mistake is.

"Yes Mr. Y/L/N" She corrected turning her head back and started walking again to 9¾ quarters.


Y/N's in a small compartment alone with her book. Reading and listening to the train tracks moving below her. It has been peaceful for the past 2 hours since the witch who's selling snacks passed by.

She closed her book leaving a bookmark from where she stopped reading and placed it besides her.

Crossing her legs and arms while sitting upright she closed her eyes. It was exhausting already to be in a room full of people. It's like they're dementors who's sucking the energy from Y/N without them doing anything to her.

She was about to drift off from when she heard her compartment door open. Opening her Y/E/C eye's looking towards the door she saw a brown bushy-haired girl standing outside.

"Have you ever seen a toad?" She asks, "A boy named Neville lost one"

Y/N only shakes her head no without uttering a word to the girl on the door.

The brown bushy-haired girl looked around the compartment seeing you alone.

"Are you with someone?" She asks out of nowhere.

"No" Y/N answered as if it was obvious while staring at her uninterested.

"Oh, Wait how rude of me." She face palm herself before holding out her hand.

"My name's Hermione, Hermione Granger and you are?"

Y/N stared at her hand for a good 5 seconds before holder her hand out to shake hers. "Y/N (Y/L/N)"

She gasped jumping slightly at her spot.

"You mean The (Y/L/N)?"

"Yes" Y/N looked away already feeling bored. She just wants to sleep why do people keeps on barging in her no people square without permission.

"Your father is Y/F/N, right?" Y/N nodded once, looking straight at her brown eyes unblinking.

"Do you mind If I ask you something? Is that alright with you?" The brown bushy-haired girl asks slowly entering the compartment.

"Make it fast, I'm doing something." The girl nodded excitedly and sat down in front of her.

"Your father is one of the people I look up to when I read about his book." She stared shifting in her seat trying to get comfortable. Y/N sat there unmoving, her finger tapping on beat of the train tracks below on her leg.

"He's very brave, I guess being the head of the Auror department has its perks." She giggled looking intently at the Y/H/C girl. Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head slightly.

"About the book, Do you know there's going to be another one after that?"

"No, I don't have any information regarding Mr-" She stopped squeezing her eyes shut. "-my father's work nor I have the interest on knowing if he had." She cleared her throat feeling a bit jumpy at the topic. She kept her face blank as she answered the question even though she's already boiling her blood on doing so.

"That's unfortunate. So, do you have any idea what house you're going to be sorted?" She asked tilting her head slightly. Clearly she's missing the signs Y/N is giving that she doesn't want to continue their conversation anymore, making her sigh deeply.

Seriously, woman. I just want to sleep. She thought seething internally

"I don't know. I couldn't care less, whatever house's fine except Gryffindor."

"Why don't you want to be in Gryffindor?" She asked again her eyebrows furrowing.

"The people sorted there tends to be annoying, loud and pathetic. It's not fit for me who prefers to be in a solitude area." Y/N scrunched her nose and scoffed.

"Oh, well, that's nice. I guess I'll take my leave now. Thank you for your time." Hermione gave her a small smile before walking out of the compartment.

"Finally" She sighed standing up and locked the compartment door.

Please note that I have no deep hatred or problems with Gryffindors.

Y/N's distaste for them is gonna be mentioned in future chapters.

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