Chapter 6

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Waking up in the Hospital Wing alone gave Y/N peace with her mind for once. It didn't really bothered her that no one waited for her to wake up, seeing that somebody already visited her. When I say somebody it means tons of people. Y/N looked besides her and saw the counter full of gifts and flowers.

The only source of light emitting all throughout the room is the full moon.

Y/N sat up using her not injured arm and took a card from the counter.

Get well soon Y/N <3


Knowing full well who wrote it because of how precise the letter was written. Y/N could feel a smile forming on her lips. After reading all the get well cards, Y/N took a chocolate frog from the gift basket guessing that Dinner is already done, she might as well make the use of the gift they sent her.

A few days after the incident, Y/N got released from the Hospital but still has a sling on her arm. Madam Pomfrey said the cast will be remove after a couple of days.

Getting injured didn't work as an excuse from all the homework she missed. Sitting in Charms class, while answering some of the Homework she missed also didn't got away from her friend's scolding. Pansy giving her an unamused look while the rest laughing how Y/N panicking due to all the stress she's receiving.

Another work is piled to Y/N's liking, Professor Flitwick gave everyone an essay due 3 days from now. Y/N gave out a loud sigh when she was partnered with Hermione. Boy, she's celebrating, When she thought the essay is gonna be done in no time.

"I'll meet with you guys later back at the common room" Y/N starting to pack her things and took a quick sip from her drink. "Wait, where are you going?" Theo asked earning everyone's attention to Y/N.

"Library, I got a meeting with Granger about the essay with charms" Y/N shrugged patting Theo and nodding to everyone else gesturing she's leaving.

"We'll split up the essay, I'll take lessons one to three and you'll take four to six. Got it Y/L/N?" Hermione didn't even give Y/N to sit down when she arrived at the Library. Y/N nodding confused as she sit down besides Hermione.

As they worked on their part of the essay, Y/N kept glancing at the bushy-haired girl besides her. Reasons for that is: She doesn't know what to do because her mind isn't working at all and she wants to ask something. Hermione kept on writing, eyebrows furrowed as her eyes kept moving left and right reading her essay. Oblivious about the Y/H/C haired girl glancing at her.

Y/N cleared her throat to catch Hermione's attention but failed. Trying to cough loud enough for the girl beside her to hear, she grinned slightly as the bushy-haired girl's head turned to look at her.

"What are we doing again?" Y/N scratched the back of her neck looking at Hermione with a brow rising and started to look mad.

"What? You don't know what to do? You should've asked me this earlier, we've been here for an hour now" She whisper yelled at Y/N who's sinking in her seat looking down. "Godric, help us. She's utterly useless" Hermione sighed and shook her head.

"Who are you calling useless? May I remind you I asked you nicely"

"You should've asked me earlier. You literally wasted precious time doing nothing" Hermione's furious, but she's wrong about the not doing anything part. While she's debating on asking the bushy-haired girl what to do, Y/N finished her other assignments to pass the time.

Y/N lets out a 'Pfft' not answering back because if she answer back that won't stop the Gryffindor girl to scold her for being incompetent.

"Looks just tell me what to do and I'll finish this back at my dorm"

The bushy-haired girl lets out a sharp breath and explained what to do, while looking irritated as doing so. After explaining Hermione left hastily saying it's almost curfew and she's almost done with her work, leaving Y/N alone at the library.

"Can you please give me a break Zendaya?" Y/N grumble, placing a hand on her forehead.

"Bloody hell what happened to you, you were in a good mood at Dinner and suddenly you came back all grumpy-wumpy" she asked raising an eyebrow. "You and miss little girlfriend got in a fight?" Millie said a smirk forming in her lips.

"Aight, I'm out" Y/N stands up taking her parchments and quill before running out of the room.

The common room is silent as Y/N got down from the Girl's dormitory. She settled herself at the table near the fireplace and continued doing her essay.




"YO Y/L/N" Y/N groaned, wincing at the pain aching behind her head. Putting her hand to massage it, while lookin up seeing Blaise laughing.

"What in the Salazar's name was that for" Glaring at the boys behind Blaise who is also laughing at the Y/H/C girl's state. Disheveled hair and wrinkled clothes.

"Y/N/N, You already missed Breakfast. Classes are about to start" Y/N looking past Blaise seeing Draco sniggering with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Laugh all you can Daddy's boy. Want me to wait and tell your father how stupid you are choosing friends like those two pathetic goons behind you?" Draco stopped laughing and glared at Y/N who has an amused face seeing Draco turn red.

" Anyways, here eat up and get dressed Y/L/N. You'll be late " Theo dropped a plate with Yorkshire pudding.

"Aww, Theo you care for me too much, I'm touched really" Y/N cooed putting a hand in her heart.

"Shut up Y/L/N" Theo laughed and messed Y/N's hair more that made the girl hit his hand away.

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