Chapter 4

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The great hall isn't that crowded yet since it's only six-thirty in the morning. Y/N sat down on her respective table and started to prepare her plate of food for the day.

There were only a few students in every table. Seven on the Gryffindor table, Fifteen on the Ravenclaw table and ten on the Hufflepuff table. They are mostly excited first years waiting patiently for their time table to be received.

Y/N is the only early snake on the Slytherin table. Which she took it as an advantage to pick any food she wants first.

She stayed there for about an hour and the Hall is already packed with half awake students. Pansy sat down next to Y/N leaning on her shoulder as she eats with her eyes closed.

"How are you still drowsy." Y/N said quietly looking at the girl in disbelief. She mumbled something Y/N couldn't understand.

Pansy kept Y/N up for a couple of minutes because of her snoring. Unfortunately for Y/N, She's a light sleeper which ended up covering her face with a pillow to cancel out the girl's snoring.

"Here's you time table, I have to go now." Y/N stood up abruptly causing the girl to loose her balance. Walking away, she chuckled and shook her head.


"Now we're going to learn how to fly before that I need you to stick your right hand over the broom and say Up"

Y/N reached over her hand and muttered Up, the broom immediately went up to her hold.

Looking up she saw Harry holding his broom as well as Draco who's wearing a smirk in his face.

Turning she saw Hermione stressing over on how her broom only moved but doesn't went up into her hold. With Ron besides Harry, she held her laugh when the boy's broom slammed into his face.

Getting ready to fly, Neville flew up immediately that caused some laughter from everyone except Hermione who has a serious expression looking up to the boy.

Madam Hooch urging the boy to come down, his broom flew everywhere.

The laughter died when Neville fell from a few feet from the air. Madam Hooch assisting him to the hospital wing.

Draco however picked up a remembrall that seemed to be owned by Neville.

Harry stepping in and the two got into an argument. Before Y/N could say anything the two are now in the air chasing each other.

"What an idiot" Y/N glanced at the source of the voice and saw Hermione looking dumbfounded at Harry.

Y/N laughed to herself and mounted her broom.

Everyone now looking at her, Y/N glanced at Hermione who shook her head and face palm herself.

The two boys are still chasing each other Y/N behind them.

That's when Draco threw the ball that caused Harry to follow it. Y/N looked at Draco not knowing he's going to get slammed into a wall. Y/N quickly flew towards him.

Draco's broom crashed with the wall in front of him that caused him to get out of balance with his broom and fall.

Y/N caught Draco's arm and flew back to the group of students.

"Why are you so bloody heavy for an 11 year old?" She grunted gripping tightly at Draco's arm wishing he doesn't slip from her hold.

Landing and carefully lets go of Draco's arm, Y/N got of off her broom and was immediately surrounded by students telling her they were impressed.

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