Chapter 9

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"You have grown so much since the last time I saw you Y/N. You look like her you know, you look like the woman that died right in front of my eyes"

Y/N woke up with a pounding headache. Turning her head left and right she saw no one around her. Sitting up on the bed, she quickly went back down. Y/N grabbed her wrist, feeling a burning sensation on her skin. Her breathing becomes uneven and her body felt cold. Her headache isn't helping on how her body felt like it's burning. Y/N started to cry out for help, groaning at the pain from head up to her feet, she started to roll left and right trying to reduce the pain but she fell from the bed and she started panicking.

"Help!" She yelled continously while screaming through the pain. That's when quick footsteps were heard. Madam Pomfrey kneeled down to Y/N's side pushing the bed.

"Oh dear, what's wrong" Her eyes widening when she saw where Y/N is holding her hand. She saw a part of her wrist is turning black. Madam Pomfrey immediately stood up and ran back to where the medicine and Potions are at.

Y/N still screaming her lungs out when the burning sensation reached her neck, she removed her hold from her wrist and started scratching her neck and body. Madam Pomfrey ran back to Y/N holding a bottle and her wand.

"Y/N dear, here drink this. Come on" She lifted Y/N head putting it on her lap. Y/N was moving hastily and still screaming. Madam Pomfrey is keeping herself calm when she saw a black line starting to creep up on Y/N's face. She made a fast decision to shove the liquid in Y/N' mouth.

"Come on Y/L/N, Drink it" Madam Pomfrey held down Y/N's hand who's fighting back wanting to scratch every inch of her body. When Y/N started to cry and calm down, the black line that is rising up to her face stopped. When Y/N fell asleep, Madam Pomfrey lifted her up to her bed and tied both her hands just in case she wakes up when she goes out to fetch Dumbledore.


"What happened to her, Madam Pomfrey?" Professor Mcgonagall asked looking worried turning her head to Madam Pomfrey to Y/N to Dumbledore.

"She started screaming when I went to check on her. Look at her skin Professors"

They all walked near Y/N scanning her skin. The black line started to fade but it's still visible. It is clearly seen on her legs, arms up to her face. McGonagall gasps and turned to Dumbledore.

"What does this means, Professor?" Dumbledore only stared at the Slytherin girl laying on the bed with her hands tied on the sides.

"We need to keep an eye on her for now. Set up a meeting for all the Professors, we need to discuss this to everyone." Professor McGonagall only nodded holding her hand on her mouth.

"This concerns everyone in the Wizarding World"


"If only you let the power inside of you shine. You possess great power, Y/N. Let me help you unlock it and you'll be stronger than me. I help you control it, you can greatly help me start a new world for everyone"

Y/N started to wake up due to the sunlight in her face. She squinted her Y/E/C eyes for a moment before groaning. She tried to cover her eyes with her hand but failed when something heldboth of her arms down. She lifted her head up and saw both of her arms tied tightly.

Y/N sat up and saw Madam Pomfrey sitting in a new desk near the entrance writing something. The Y/H/C-haired girl coughed to get her attention. Madam Pomfrey whipped her head towards Y/N and stands up to approach her.

"How are you?" She asked taking a chair and sat down on Y/N's left side.

"I'm fine, I guess? Why am I tied to the bed?" Y/N looked at her confused. She heard a sigh left at Madam Pomfrey's mouth turning her gaze away from Y/N.

"I think it's best for Professor Dumbledore to answer that question, dear. Please wait a moment while I go out and fetch him." She stands up and walks away. Y/N scanned her body, there's nothing hurting or any wounds. The only thing that's bothering her is why is she tied up.

A few minutes later, Madam Pomfrey came back with Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor? What happened to me?" Y/N started looking directly at the tall man in front of her.

"Madam Pomfrey, can you leave us for a few minutes?" Dumbledore looked at her and she nodded, finding her way out of the Hospital wing.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and sat down near Y/N looking at her with a concerned face.

"Y/N, do you remember what happened when you were out with Harry and the others at the Dark Forest?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows thinking for a moment before nodding.

"Professor, how long was I out for?"

"You've been here for almost a week now, Y/N. But don't worry your friends are notified on why you are not seeing them for a moment. As for your studies, the Professors agreed to give you some activities to catch up with your lessons" Dumbledore said smiling slightly at the confused girl.

"Why am I tied up though?"

"When you woke up 2 days after you lost consciousness in the forest. You were acting wild and you seem to be losing yourself." Dumbledore adjusted his seat and looked at Y/N again. "Have you ever experienced that before?" Y/N shook her head 'no'. Dumbledore nodded slowly and hummed.

"Don't worry you're fine now. Let me take this off for you" Dumbledore took out his wand and casted the rope away from Y/N.

"I think it's better for you to stay here until tomorrow for further inspections. Is that alright with you?"

"It's fine. Thank you, Professor" Dumbledore smiled at her and said goodbye to let the Slytherin girl to get some rest.

Y/N grabbed her wrist and massaged it, the rope left a mark around it. She looked at the clock on her bedside.

10:45 am

She sighed and lay down on her bed. She couldn't keep herself from overthinking anymore.

What did I do?

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