Chapter 5

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After Quidditch practice Y/N practically let herself fall to the mattress of her bed.

She's beaten.

Cleaning herself before changing into her robes for Lunch. Slinging her shoulder bag she got from the men's section when Y/N and her Father went out buying her school stuff.

"Stop pushing yourself too much Y/N" Pansy said while getting her books in her bag. The dark circles around Y/N's eyes can clearly be seen.

"I'm fine, don't worry"

"Clearly not, I can hear you getting up in the middle of the night Y/N. What's wrong?" Y/N looked at Millie shrugging.

For a few days the other girls from her dormitory suddenly started talking to her. She was doing charms work when they approached her at her side of the room and started discussing thing to her.

"Just restless nights, ya know?" grinning slightly wishing it'll make them drop the topic.

"Yeah sure, restless nights that's going on for a week now" Zendaya muttered.

Y/N sighed and motioned for them to go to the Great Hall for Lunch.


It was a disaster.

When the group of Slytherins arrived at the Great Hall. Y/N couldn't help to stay awake, her hand supporting her chin while eating.

Millie nudged at Blaise and motioned for him to talk to Y/N. The boy just looked at her quizzically before sighing.

"Y/N" He called out. The girl is already asleep Blaise poked Y/N's shoulders making the girl groan.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Y/N hummed laying her head on the table.

"Do you want to go to the Hospital Wing?" He asked looking at Millie who's glancing at Y/N's pale face. They received a muffled 'no' from the girl.

When the bell rang, everyone started leaving the Hall to their respective classrooms.

Y/N walking half awake she was pushed causing her to fall to her ass.

"Watch where you're going will you?" Grunting at the sudden pain under her she saw the bushy-haired girl picking up the scattered books.

"It's not my fault you're walking with your eyes closed"

"Don't start with me Granger, A simple sorry would suffice. And who the hell told you to run when the whole corridor is packed."

Hermione glared at the girl and left bumping into Y/N's shoulders.

"Brat" Y/N hissed glaring at Millie who's trying to hide her laughter.

"Shove off will you?"




Pansy not getting an answer from the sleeping girl in front of her, removing her blanket and slapping Y/N's cheek.

Y/N groaned and stuffed the pillow into her face.

"Get up you lazybum"


"C'mon, you already slept for 5 hours already. You even skipped Dinner! Get.Up (Y/L/N)"

"I don't care, I need my 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep"

Pansy scoffed and pulled the girl from the legs making Y/N fall from the bed.

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