Chapter 3 COS

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"Hey Hagrid, Can I take your job and feed the Diricawls today?" Y/N asked chuckling lowly while opening Hagrid's Cottage without permission.

She froze on her spot when she saw the Golden Trio inside. Y/N blinked a few times, landing her gaze to Ron who is looking pale and sick while holding a bucket. She tried her best hiding her smirk and look at them with a blank expression.

"What, You came here to make fun of him again? Is not embarrassing him earlier not enough for you?"

Y/N rose an eyebrow and looked at the fuming bushy-haired girl curiously. Her eyes were puffy and red, her nose is red too.

"Thanks for the idea but unfortunately I have other business that's more important than that red-head who attacks their enemies from behind" Y/N glared at Ron and letting out a 'tsk' before walking to Hagrid.

"Sorry Y/N, I can't let ya go to the forest alone tonight."

"What, Why?" Y/N tilted her head a little her brow furrowed.

"Spiders er crawling everywhere the forest."

"S-spiders?" Y/N scoffed and turned her head to Ron.

"Is itty-bitty Weasley afraid of the eight legged insect?" She mocked acting like she's talking to a baby. Ron glared at the Slytherin girl and vomited again.

"Stop acting like you're not scared of anything, Y/L/N" Harry snarled. Y/N smirked at the boy and shrugged.

"Have you ever seen me getting scared?"

No one answered.

"Thought so"

"Anyways I'm outta here." Y/N walked to the door. Before opening it she gave a handkerchief to Hermione. She didn't take it but the piece of  fabric was shoved to her hand and Y/N walked away quickly before the bushy-haired girl say anything.




Everyone has some ability and skills in their life that'll help them achieve their dreams and ambitions. For example, Hermione can use her intelligence to keep Harry and Ron alive.

Now, Y/N is a skilled Quidditch Chaser and can learn anything in a short period of time. She can do anything if she wanted to, That is, If she can finish what she started on learning. Everyone knows Y/N doesn't have a patience of a monk.

Y/N always tells to herself to be clean.

But that mindset is thrown out of the window.

Underneath Hogwarts there's the Dungeons and the Slytherin Common Room. Inside, there's Y/N in her Dormitory who is completely destroying her dorm room in just a matter of minutes. Her side of the room looks like a hurricane that just passed by.

Pulling the drawers from her cabinet and taking out her stuff from her satchel. Y/N's trunk is open and empty, her clothes are scattered everywhere. Her eyebrows are furrowed, sweat dripping from her forehead as she lift the mattress of her bed. She's even debating whether to check her Friends' side of the room or not. Standing in the middle of the room, Y/N is biting her index finger thinking where she last placed it.

But she couldn't find it

The Diary is nowhere to be found.



A few weeks after the Diary got lost. There has been reported attacks inside Hogwarts.

And because of the last fight that occurred in the Great Hall, Everyone is looking dirty at Y/N wherever she goes. Even though Harry is always the one who is first in the scene.


"Millie, Stop it. I'm fine" Y/N whined.

After classes, Y/N came back to the common room alone. There's blood on her eyebrows dripping across her face. Y/N's robes were torn and disheveled. Her knees have bruises and wounds on them.

When Y/N approached her Slytherin Friends who are all in front of the fireplace. She was greeted by worried and concerned faces. Millie who jump instantly and approached Y/N scanning her entire body. Pansy ran to her too, asking what happened to her. Draco stood there frozen and his face fuming. In Y/N's mind she already guessed he's planning to kill whoever did this to her.

"What the bloody hell happened to you? Who did this?" Pansy asked.

Y/N flopped down to the couch and groaned not answering their questions. She took out her wand and healed herself and closed her eyes.

"Y/N, Who did this to you?" Draco asked. His voiced was dangerously calm and flat.

"The same guys who attacked Zendaya the other day" Y/N sighed and sat up straight, plopping her elbows on her knees, wincing on the action forgetting her knees were injured.

"That's it, This is messed up. I'm going to Professor Snape tomorrow." Millie said.

"No. Don't, I'll be fine." Y/N insisted. They weren't convinced and just stared at her in disbelief.

"Fine?...FINE?! Take a good look at yourself, Y/N!" Draco yelled. Everyone in the common room stopped talking and stared at the group.

"I know I look good but please–"

"This isn't the time for your cocky comments, Y/N." Theodore scolded. Y/N was taken aback and stayed quiet. Theodore rarely uses that tone of voice which surprised her.

Pansy sighed and sat down next to Y/N. She took out her wand and mumbled spells to clean and heal her wounds. Y/N just stared at the floor not moving.

"Everyone listen up!" Draco yelled suddenly that made Y/N to jump from her sit.

"You guys already know about the attacks of other houses towards ours. I want all of you to protect your housemates. No one is going to look after us but ourselves."

There were whispers and muttering.

But after a few seconds, everyone stands up and agrees with Draco.

"I have an idea, Everyone here have at least someone who has the same schedule of classes. Partner up with them and protect each other. That way if one of you is attacked the other one can fight them off or run to ask some help" Blaise said. Everyone agreed again, this sort of stuff rarely happens because of self-preservation of Slytherins.

"Y/N, you're most likely to be attacked again." Theodore said his eyebrows furrowed.

"I know."

"We'll be taking turns on walking you to your classes and walking you out." He continued.

"No, That's the last thing I wanted you guys to do. You'll get late to your own classes." Y/N interjected. She doesn't want this to be big of a deal because she's used to it by now. They don't know that of course, the stuff that happened back home was so much worse.

"We don't care if you like it or not. It's either that or let you come back to us dead."

Y/N just stood up using all the energy she has left and walked away to her dormitory. Leaving them calling her name to come back.


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