Chapter 5 COS

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It's safe to say that Y/N can roam the castle once more without always being on guard. Gryffindor students left her alone when the little show Harry made a couple of weeks ago got around the school pretty fast.

The experience on strolling the castle in the middle of the night is eventful. For a normal response of a human being when encountering a scary looking creature was to run away screaming their lungs out. It's not new that some creatures can be seen wondering around the school grounds but a giant, scaly looking beast with yellow eyes is definitely not normal. Actually Y/N didn't move when she met this giant snake slithering through the hallways. It even spoke to her and calling her 'mistress' for some reason. She haven't told her friends about the large snake talking to her, She thought it'll scare them and get suspicious on why she's even out past curfew.

It's all fun and games whenever she gets to meet the giant worm.

But for some reason it hits her right in the face.

After a few days on meeting the snake, the students and ghosts getting petrified  is the only thing the student body is talking about.

Y/N was with Cedric and his friends at that time when Theodore ran up to her and pulled her away to the Hospital Wing. She kept asking what's wrong and why is he taking her inside. All of that confusion and other emotion she was feeling quickly turned off in a flick of a switch, Her question was answered with the sight right in front of her. In one of the hospital beds full of petrified students was Millie. She slowly approached her stoned body and looked at her friends who are all looking distressed.

Realization came rushing down to flood her brain. It was the snake she saw that night. How could she even think it was harmless, It already look suspicious from the start, a big snake roaming the school grounds and people are getting petrified.

She quickly yanked Draco outside the hospital wing to an empty corridor.

"The book you were reading when we were at Flourish and Blotts." She started looking at him directly in his stormy eyes.

"What about it?"

Y/N crossed her arms and started to pace muttering words to herself and then stopped turning her head towards the confused platinum haired boy.

"It was about mythical creatures correct?" He nodded skeptically.

"You ripped a page from the book. What was it about?" She asked narrowing her eyes at him. Draco just stood there blinking rapidly.

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Just answer the question, Draco" Y/N sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"It's about a Basilisk..." He trailed off seeming a bit hesitant.

"And what was it about? Mind describing it for me?"

Draco told her what he read about the called Basilisk and Y/N's system turned off. She thanked Draco and walked back  to the Hospital Wing her face blank. She scanned the room looking for Millie again but saw someone she wished she didn't see.

Hermione Granger.

She was laying on the bed frozen. Y/N's eyes widened when she saw her there pale and not moving like Millie.

And that's all it took for the black lines in Y/N's forearm to start.

She ran out of the Hospital Wing bumping into students in the hallway to the girl's bathroom where Myrtle is. When she got there Myrtle is at the window singing to herself.

"Hi...Myrtle" Y/N breathed. Myrtle faced her with a smile on her face.

"Y/N" She sang circling the Slytherin. Y/N just smiled at her softly trying to hide the pain she's enduring.

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