Chapter 7

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The temperature dropped as the day pass by. It's nearly Christmas day in a couple of weeks and everyone is excited for it. Students finishing their assigned tasks in every class that made the library get packed. Everyone is anticipating for the Christmas break, for the reasons that is: Getting out of school or wanting to spend time with their loved ones.

The snow is lightly falling as Y/N is walking outside the castle, her feet submerge with the pile of snow on the ground. Wearing a black hoodie, a dark green coat and a Slytherin scarf.

Not caring on where her feet will take her, Y/N found herself outside the greenhouse. Looking around if anyone is near, she walking in the garden wandering at the plants that is surrounding the place. Taking notice of a particular flower she found interesting.

Yellow Rose

As Y/N approach the flower, she held out her finger to touch the petal that is about to fall off the stem. She couldn't control her emotions as the petal fell from her hold, a frown forming on her lips. Y/N picked up the petal and absorbed it for a moment. She got lost in her thoughts quickly as she examine the flower as if it's making her mind at ease. A door opened that made Y/N to snap out of her thoughts and look at the door. There she saw two boys entering the place, the other a bit smaller than the other person. They looked around for a moment before they saw Y/N standing there holding out a petal between her fingers. The smaller boy stopped in his tracks and looked surprised to see someone in there.

The two boys made their way to Y/N as she puts the petal she was holding in her coat.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" The taller boy asked. Y/N shrugged and answered "Just looking around but what are you two doing here?"

"I'm showing my friend here around Hogwarts. He's a transfer here" The taller boy gestured at the smaller boy besides him. Y/N looked at him and saw they are both the same height.

"I'm Asa Butterfield" He greeted, holding out his hand grinning. Y/N stared at his hand for a couple of minutes before shaking it.

"Name's Y/N" she said plainly, taking back her hand and shoving them both in her pocket.

"Oh, trust me. I know" Asa's smile grew slightly staring at Y/N.

"And I'm Cedric, We're both from Hufflepuff and you're in Slytherin right?"

"I mean, the scarf I'm wearing isn't an obvious give away right?" Y/N said trying to not sound so mean. Cedric laughed awkwardly scratching his head.

"So, anyways. Since the both of you are first years, If you don't mind being friends with Asa? He just got here from Durmstrang and he doesn't know anyone yet."

"Uh, I guess so." Y/N turned her gaze to Asa who is still grinning lightly at her. Taking out her pocket watch from her pants, Y/N looked at the time. It's been an hour already?

"That's great! Anyways we better get going or if you have a spare time you can come with us around the school grounds." Cedric offered. Y/N shook her head "I'm going to leave too anyway, I need to finish my school works"

Cedric and Asa nodded, the three of them walking out the Greenhouse and paying farewell to each other as they part ways.


Y/N sat alone in the Library, finishing her essay in charms. Luckily the due date was moved due to the teacher's unexpected meetings. As time pass by the packed room started to quiet down as the other students are starting to leave.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Y/N's mind can work in peace and faster this time.

She gets sidetracked whenever there are noise or people talking around her. That's why being alone is much better, Less communication means less drama. Y/N likes the presence of her Slytherin friends but when she starts to feel drowsy and drained, she shuts herself down and keeps her distance to charge herself and to also avoid her snapping at people unconsciously.

Y/N's Charms essay is still underway but unfortunately discontinued when she felt uneasiness out of nowhere. She turned her head left and right but saw nothing except students and Professor Quirrell who 2 tables besides her. Shaking the thought away, she tried to focus on her Essay again.

It is now curfew, meaning Y/N is able to finish her Essay.

As she got back from her dorm, she was greeted with a pillow blowing on Y/N's face. Not being able to react on time, she was tackled on the ground. Y/N lets out a grunt as she fell on her back air being exhaled from her lungs forcefully.

"Get off" Y/N whined pushing Zendaya and the girls off of her. The girls laughed at Y/N's state as she was struggling to get out of Millie's tickles.

"Hey Miss.GrumpyPants, lighten up it's almost Christmas" Pansy sang Christmas longer. 

"And what is that suppose to do with me being attacked?"

"This is going to be a tradition when someone gets back in the dorm late" Zendaya said smirking at Y/N knowing full well they'll be attacking her more than anyone else.

"I didn't even agreed on that" Y/N scoffed standing up and gathering her things on the floor. "It was decided anyway, you versus us three" Millie stated hiding her laughter while looking at Y/N irritated face.

"Anyways, what are you going to do for the holidays Y/N?" Pansy asked at the Y/H/C-haired girl cleaning up her stuff. "Absolutely nothing" Y/N said in monotone and looking emotionless.

"Come on Y/N, If you don't have any plans this Christmas. You can come with me back home to celebrate." Millie offered tugging Y/N's arm.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I would rather be alone" Taking off Millie's hand off of her and walked away to the bathroom with clothes on her hands.


Y/N ran to the Great Hall bumping into anyone who's walking like an old woman.

Scanning the tables, she went to the Gryffindor table and saw Harry and Ron playing chess. Y/N went over and stood behind Harry who is waiting for his move.

"Do you know where Granger's at?" Y/N asked Harry who looked up to her eyes wide, surprised to hear she's asking where her friend is.

"She'll be here any minute, she's just finishing packing up for the holidays" Harry turn back his focus on the game. Y/N sat down next to Harry looking at their game while waiting for the Bushy-haired girl to appear.

"Move your horse to b4" Y/N muttered. Harry looking at her confused and looked back at the board, seeing he can eat Ronald's Knight when he moves it away from his piece.

As the game continues and Y/N coaching Harry what to do. Hermione was behind them watching amused as Y/N help Harry win by his Queen and knight checkmate Ronald's King.

"Bloody Hell, you destroyed me" Ron said not believing he was defeated in a quick time. He perked up his head and saw Hermione, he kicked Harry's foot under the table and nodded his head behind him.

Y/N look behind Harry and saw Hermione.

"What are you doing here Y/L/N?" She asked arching an eyebrow. "I came to give you this" Y/N held out a parchment towards the bushy-haired girl. "It's the essay for charms. If you see any errors do as you please to change them"

Hermione nodded at her and turned to the boys who is cleaning up the chess board. "I better get going now, Harry, Ronald have a Happy Christmas. You too Y/N" The bushy-haired girl left pulling her trunk.

"Bye Mione, Happy Christmas" The boys yelled and Hermione waving her arms at them not looking over her shoulders. Y/N stood there looking at the retreating figure with both hands on her pocket. Looking at the boys who is staring at Y/N, she nodded and started to leave the Hall.

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