Chapter 3

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Walking through a busy corridor, slightly getting lost on where the Transfiguration classroom is located.

Y/N managed to enter Potions and Muggle Studies oblivious that the Transfiguration Classroom is right in the middle of the two.

With the door wide open, Y/N went in seeing two Gryffindor boys getting scolded by Professor Mcgonagall.

Y/N slipped to the right seeing a vacant seat from the back.

Just as she thought she was safe from Professor Mcgonagall.

"Miss Y/L/N, Mind telling me why you too are late to my class?" Everyone looked up from their tables and looked at Y/N.

"I got lost Professor" Sinking from her spot, getting uncomfortable from the gaze everyone is giving Y/N.

"Maybe a map? Do you want me to transfigure Mr. Weasley into it just for you three to arrive early?" She said sharply.

Mcgonagall gave Y/N a disappointing look and then looking at the 2 boys. Them turning red from the eyes staring between the 3.

"Make sure this never happens again" with that the class continued.


The room was filled with chatter when Y/N sat at the 2nd row in between a Hufflepuff and the red head boy she saw earlier at Transfiguration.

Everyone went silent when the door was dramatically opened and Snape fast walking with his robe flying to the front of the class.

"Be aware that I don't tolerate idiotic actions in this class"

Y/N looked away and saw Potter opening his notebook. With Snape still stalking and staring at Potter while doing so.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to Not Pay Attention"

Harry stopped writing, Y/N snickered quietly.

Snape continued to ask questions to Harry and Hermione not putting her hand down.

Harry wasn't able to answer Snape's questions. "Well it seems like Hermione knows the answer Sir, why don't you ask her?"

Snape glared at Harry taking away 5 points from Gryffindor for talking back to a teacher. He then turned to Y/N a brow rising.

"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything. Isn't that right Miss Y/L/N?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Y/N. Sinking in her spot, her heart starts to beat fast. She nodded hesitantly sitting upright.

"How about you answer for Mr. Potter here Miss Y/L/N, stand up"

Y/N slowly stood up turning her gaze to Harry looking at her with an apologetic look on his face.

"Same question, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked looking squarely to Y/N

It took Y/N to process the question into her head because of the sudden pass of spotlight to her.

"Sleeping potion known as the Daught of living death, Sir." Smiling smugly at Snape thanking herself she thought of reading in advance when she was at home.

"Now where would you look if I ask you to find me a Bezoar?" Y/N can see Snape's face trying to hide a smirk in the front of the class.

"In a Goat's stomach, Sir" Snape motioned for Y/N to sit, not removing the smug look on her face.

"At least somebody here can read, 5 points to Slytherin"

Y/N can feel a certain bushy-haired girl staring at her, Turning to see Hermione wearing an irritated face, she just looked away as if nothing even happened.


The crowded corridor to the Great Hall is not beyond pleasant, Y/N found herself being followed by a few Slytherin and Ravenclaw girls behind her.

Guessing that the little event happened earlier at Potions made some students immediately wanting her to tutor them.

Y/N sat at the Slytherin table with Pansy and Draco with his goons.

"Stupid Potter couldn't answer a simple question" Draco sneered that caused the students around the table to laugh.

Y/N blinked at him and quickly looked away hearing explosions from the Gryffindor table.

Seeing the boy named Seamus Finnigan's face covered with ash.

Some of the students that saw laughed at him so as Y/N who is unamused, she saw Hermione wearing an unimpressed look to Seamus.

"Can't believe I just witnessed Ash Face exploding something again" Pansy scoffed rolling her eyes. Y/N continued to eat curious at the bushy-haired girl scolding her friends.

Y/N broke her gaze off of Hermione looking up seeing a bunch of Owls flying and dropping mail.

A box was placed in Y/N's Table, opening it and saw a book and a letter in it.

Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science

Y/N opened the letter her eyebrows furrowed not finding any names who sent the box.

For future purposes, I hope this'll help you in the near future.

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