Chapter 1 COS

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Mornings isn't Y/N's favorite time to start the day. Especially if she's sharing a room with her crackhead Slytherin friends. It's either she wakes up with their constant bickering with each other and loud voices or them waking Y/N up in the worse way as possible. One example for that is this morning. They planned to wake her up by pouring cold water all over her bed. That leads her to avoid them for the time being. Yes, Y/N's giving them the silent treatment and currently sulking in the Hufflepuff table eating breakfast with Cedric.

"Honestly, They do this once a week and I'm fighting the urge to move to the boy's dormitory."

The boy only laughed at her, almost choking on his bacon.

"You can like do some payback. Plus, They're your best friends, what do you expect." Y/N glared at the boy and rolled her eyes. Leaning to the table to pick up some toast and shoved it in her mouth.

"How about this, Let's hang out later to keep your grumpy mood aside and have fun. Sounds great?" She stared at him. She doesn't have anything to do after school, she can't hang out with her Slytherin Friends because she still have some grudge about earlier and the Golden Trio is somehow avoiding her ever since the term started.

"Sure, After school" Cedric nodded at her and smiled. Y/N got up and patted his back leaving the Hall.




Making her way to the Greenhouse early, She haven't visited that place since last December. Removing her Slytherin robe and putting on the brown ones on the cabinet. After putting on her gloves, Y/N made her way to the flowers. Everything is blooming and healthy, She can feel herself getting relaxed. Kneeling down and checking the Yellow Rose she hid under the table behind the other plants.

"You look beautiful" Y/N smirked imagining if someone saw her talking to a flower, they'll think she has lost it.

"Remember the petal you gave me? I put it in a good use"


The moon is up, you know what that means.

Y/N made her way up to the astronomy tower. The whole day isn't that great, She snapped at people more than seven times already. She didn't mean to do it but her body isn't cooperating with her.
She's overheating and with people around her unconsciously making her feel annoyed isn't helping. That's why after classes, she ran down to her dormitory and changed her clothes not caring if she skips dinner.

Stopping by at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Y/N walked inside, the only light in the room is from the clearly seen moon from the window. Taking a deep breath, the Slytherin girl walked inside calling out for Myrtle.


"Who's there?" Y/N whipped her head towards the stalls and saw Myrtle go through her body. Laughing at the ghost, Y/N held up both her hands.

"Hey, How are you?" Myrtle's frown turned upside down when she saw Y/N. The girl spends time with Y/N whenever she visits from time to time. Their first interaction wasn't the best because Y/N hid inside the bathroom without knowing Myrtle is in there. The reason she's hiding? The black line in Y/N's arms appeared during class. It was Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Y/N was containing her anger from Draco when he mentioned her late mother. Saying "Obviously it's your fault why your mother died, Y/L/N. You know why? Because you're a living accident"

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