Chapter 25

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Banner. Hey, hey, hey." We both approach Bruce, who sits up with a groan, holding his head as if it ached. "You all right, Banner?" He sees us and gasps, seeming to panic. Thor shushes him, and says the words Natasha uses. "Sun's going down. Sun's going down. That's it, breathe. I won't hurt you. Sun's going down." Bruce squints at us. "Thor? (Y/n)?" We nod. "Yeah. Turns out we're alive." I tell him. "What happened to your hair?" He asks Thor, who's normally long hair had been cut down quite a lot. "Some creepy old man cut it off."

"It looks good." Bruce says half heartedly, looking around. "Oh, thanks." I roll my eyes. "Where are we? Oh, how's Nat?" I wince. "Uh, Nat is good, I'm sure." Thor tells him. "Is she okay? And what about Sokovia?" Banner just keeps going. I stop him for a moment, and whisper to Thor. "Don't lie to him."

"I'm not lying."

"You have no idea how Natasha is, I'm sure."

"Well, what do you suggest?"

"Explaining the situation to him, and to me for that matter."

"The city, Sokovia. Did we save it?" Bruce insists. "Banner, listen." I start, but I stop because I'm not entirely sure either. "What?" He asks. "Sokovia. Ultron. That was two years ago." Thor explains. "Yes, see, wait, two years?" I exclaim. Thor nods solemnly. "What are you saying? I've been Hulk for two years?" Banner asks. "I'm afraid so." Bruce starts standing, thankfully using the cloth the Hulk wore as a cover up. "What the hell happened?" He heads towards the controls. "Banner, there's something you should know."

"Voice activation required." The ship requests. "Banner."

"Welcome, strongest Avenger." I scrunch up my face. "Uh, What?" Thor mutters to himself. "Ship's log." Bruce orders. I join him at the screen. It is him as the Hulk, and me. The alarm is blaring, the Hulk roaring, and I am screaming. This must have been when we were crashing. Hulk hangs on to equipment, but I lose my grip, and smack my head against something indecipherable in the video. I wince, knowing that must have hurt. When the video cuts, Bruce turns to my brother. "Thor, where are we?"

"Yeah, about that." Thor starts, but it cut off by a giant hologram of the Grandmaster. "Sakaar, hear ye. Attention please. I have some bad news. My beloved exalted champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets. Celebrate my champion." I frown in disgust. "Who's that?" Bruce asks. This one I can answer. "Technically, my husband. He kind of runs the place." Thor looks at me as if that's absurd, which it is. "Husband?"

"Oh, don't worry. He only ever marries in spirit, nothing binding. Said it kept his choices open. Really, I'm just party girl."

"Please stop." Thor groans. "You actually lived at his house for a while." I tell Bruce, who looks slightly mortified. "I did?" I nod in confirmation. "Quite a lot's happened. You and I had a fight recently." Thor tells him. "Did I win?" Of course that's his priority. "No, l won. Easily." Thor lies. "Doesn't sound right."

"Well, it's true." I add on. It's sort of true, it would have been true. Technically he lost, but you know, Bruce doesn't need to know that. "It seems that that criminally seductive. Lord of Thunder has stolen him away." Grandmaster calls to the citizens. "Seductive God of Thunder. We need to move." Thor growls in frustration. "Really? That's the part that bothers you? Nothing about you being a wanted criminal?" I ask while Thor searches the ship for something. "This is bad. This is really, really bad. Thor, I think I'm freaking out." Bruce says. "No, no, no." I tell him, knowing we cannot afford to be walking around with the Hulk.

"Don't freak out. You're okay. Put these on." Thor says, handing him some clothing. "These are Tony's clothes." Banner protests. "I know, come on." Thor leads him out of the jet, myself following, sending one last look at the ship with the message from Steve. I hurt him. I know I did. I wish I didn't have to. "The sun's going down. It's getting really low. The sun's going down. It's getting real low. Sun's getting low." Thor repeats continuously after Bruce dresses himself, and follows us towards the streets. "Would you stop saying that?" Bruce hisses, sitting on some forgotten rubble. "I just need you to stay calm." Thor insists. "Calm? I'm on an alien planet!" Bruce exclaims. "It's just a planet. You've been on a planet before." Thor says. I smack him for being insensitive.

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