Chapter 23

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The three children lay in a field. They were in a circle, their heads in the middle. The were tired of being confined to the gardens, and wanted to play in an open area. Their friend could not join, but they still found good company in each other. They sun shone warmly on them. It felt like nothing could ever go wrong. Their heads were full of innocence, and hearts full of joy.

"Do you think we can do this again, tomorrow?" (Y/n) asked to no one in particular.

"You're supposed to be training." Thor started. "I guess we'll have to sneak out." Loki finished. The trio burst into giggles. (Y/n) had to sit up to breathe, and in doing so, saw a patch of flowers nearby. "Flower crown!" This caused her brothers to groan.

"Not again, (Y/n). Last time you did that I was finding petals in my hair for ages." Loki complained. "Besides you never wear them yourself." Thor added.

"They look prettier on someone else. I can see them that way." Was her only excuse. She ignored their protests and made the crowns anyways. Red for Thor, yellow for Loki, and since they insisted she needed to match, she made a blue one for herself.

"Do you think it'll always be this way? Even after one of you becomes king?" (Y/n) asked, picking at the grass. "Who says you won't be queen?"

"I'm not like you two. Not as strong or smart. Do you really think father would ever let me on the throne? I'm much better suited as a warrior." She said. The two boys looked ready to defend her, but she quickly shushed them. "Do not try to change my mind. Some things are just ways of life. I am not upset by it. If anything, I'm grateful to not carry that burden."

"Well..." Thor started, "it may not be the same. But we'll always have each other. Even if I'm king, I'll need you two."

"I wouldn't need you, but I suppose I'd still like you around." Loki smirked.

"You jest."

"Of course I do."

There was a moment of silence before Loki stood up. "Mother will be worried."

"The sun shines on us, dear brothers, let us enjoy it a little longer."

The girl awoke in a cold sweat. She didn't know who the people in the dream was, but they felt familiar. Like she should know. Why didn't she know? They had been becoming more frequent. We're they her memories, or simply a result of something else? Either way, she couldn't shake the feeling like she knew those two boys.

Asgardians {Godsiblings x SisterReader} (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now