Chapter 30

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

We had a plan. Maybe it wouldn't work, but it's all we have right now. I stand at the ready in my hiding spot, watching at Thanos arrives and approaches Stephen. "Oh,'re much more of a 'Thanos.'" Is the first this Stephen says to him. "I take it, the Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." Thanks replies. "You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts."

"And where do you think he brought you?"

"Let me guess. Your home?" Thanos smiles. "It was. And it was beautiful. Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." This is really his defense? "Genocide." Strange says aloud. "But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass."

"Congratulations. You're a prophet." Stephen snarks, and I can't help but notice he is like a second Tony and I don't know how I feel about that. "I'm a survivor." Thanos corrects. "Who wants to murder trillions." Stephen reminds. "With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist; I call that... mercy." Stephen stands. "And then what?"

"I finally rest...and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." He really thinks we would be grateful? How diluted is he? Strange gets into a fighting position. "I think you'll find our will equal to yours."

"Ours?" He looks up just in time to see Tony rapidly pushing a giant chuck of wreckage at him. Thanks doesn't react, and is crushed. "Piece of cake, Quill." Tony flaunts. "Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!" Quill snaps. I can't help but agree. There's no way that worked. The wreckage on top of Thanos erupts in purple, as he bellows in rage. He turns the wreckage into a flock of bats with the Reality Stone and swarms Tony with them, driving him back through the ruins.

We each rise from cover, and attack Thanos with our respective abilities. Each attempt seems more fultile then the last until Quill manages to get some sort of explosive to stick to Thanos' shoulder. The explosion that follows bring Thanos to his knees, dazed. The Cloak with a mind of its own wraps itself tightly around Thanos' armored hand. Strange starts throwing portals everywhere. Spider-Man leaps through one on Thanos' left.

"Magic!" He flies through the portals, attacking Thanos. "More magic! Magic with a kick! Magic with a-" Thanos cuts the boy off by grabbing him with his hand around his neck. I get a flash of memory of Loki, and grow angry. However, I don't have to move before he throws the boy at Doctor Strange, knocking them both down. Thanos finally tears the Cloak away and is then promptly surrounded by fiery explosions as Iron Man bombards him. He sucks all the flame into the gauntlet with the Power Stone and fires it in a stream at Iron Man, hitting him dead on and sending him some distance away.

I try my luck, charging at him. He sees my coming, going to rein his giant fist down on me, but I throw my arm up, forming a shield last minute for protection. He growls slightly in frustration at the third sighting of me. I smirk, throwing my other arm towards his head, forming a spike around my hand. He manages to catch it, and throw me away like a child's toy. I get up just in time to see a small spaceship to attempt to crash land on him. The ship drags Thanos along for a distance, burying him under debris. He stands just as the blue skinned pilot leaps to punch him, landing in front of him with an blade at the ready.

"Well, well." I hear Thanos say. Who is she, and why does he know her? "You should have killed me." The blue woman speaks. "It would've been a waste of parts!" She runs at Thanos, attacking him with her sword. "Where's Gamora?" That's finally enough for me to decide she's on our side. All of us come in on Thanos once again. Strange and I take on grabbing the gauntleted hand, Drax gets him to kneel, Quill uses electricity to shock him, and Peter uses the strange webbing to hold Thanos back. Strange opens a portal straight above Thanos' out of which drops Mantis, landing on the Titan's shoulders, her hands on his temples. He bellows as she tries to put him under.

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