Chapter 38

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

In the throng of the battle field, I quickly lose sight of my team, focused on the incoming army. These fighters, these are the easy targets. They go down with a good hit, and require just a bit of watching your back. Speaking of which, I turn behind me when I hear a crash. Giant Scott has stomped down, and when he passes, I get a view of Tony and the Spider boy. They're hugging. "Oh, this is nice." I join them. "It's good to see you, Peter." I say once they break. "Y-Yeah, you too, ma'am." I send a nod of appreciation to the both of them before jumping back into action. Now separated, I'm surrounded by a group of Chitauri. I just smirk, remembering New York. All I do is swing my arm up to force spears of ice from the earth, and impale the soldiers.

Through the band of Chitauri, I notice Stephen Strange. I head towards him at the same time as Tony. "Hey. You said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it." Stark says. "This can't be for nothing." I add. Strange looks meaningfully at us. "If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." My lips form into a tight line. "You better be right."

The battle quickly makes a turn for the worse as Thanos' ships start firing massive cannons down on us. The people like Strange create giant, mystic, orange shields above. I dodge the shots until I'm able to slide underneath one. I notice water starts to flood the field, and Strange uses his power to stop it. I help him by freezing the water, so it's no longer of importance. I'm about to focus on the firing ships, but the suddenly change course, and fire above. I scrunch my face up in confusion. What could they possibly be shooting at up there? A bright light of thundering energy comes surging down as something flies through the ship, and it results in an explosion and the ship crash-landing in the lake. I follow where it lands.

It's Carol. Talk about reinforcements.

Peter hands her the gauntlet. "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that." He tells her. Natasha comes up beside me. "Don't worry. She's got help." She decides. I smile. Pepper lands next to a woman I don't recognize in ornate armor (Okoye), followed by Mantis. A few other woman I don't recognize, Brunhilde, as well as Gamora and Nebula. Thanos' army charges us, but with a cry of fury, we're able to fight back with enough force that Carol can escape with the gauntlet and get it to the portal. Thanos sees this, starts running to Carol, but is stopped by us, who blasts him backwards. Thanos throws his double sword at the van, destroying it and the quantum realm tunnel, throwing Carol backwards. From across the field I see she's lost her grip on the Gauntlet, which falls to the ground.

I make a break for the gauntlet, as does many of Thanos' army. He cannot have those stones. Tony is tackled and rendered unconscious by Thanos, and Steve, and Thor keep him distracted long enough for me to grab the gauntlet. Thanos knocks the two away, and his attention is now on me, seething with anger. "You said I'd never be a god, but look what I have done." I glare at him, a strong grip on the gauntlet. "You talk too much." I encase the gauntlet and my arm in ice to make it harder for him to get to, and throw my sword at his neck. He narrowly dodges, and approaches me. He grabs my arm, and crushes it to break the ice. I cry out in pain in his grip, and he takes the gauntlet. He flings me away like a child's toy. I groan in pain, but get back up. Luckily, Carol arises again, and stops his fingers from snapping, opening up his hand

Just as Carol is gaining the upper hand by rising up and forcing Thanos onto his knees, Thanos pulls the Power Stone out of the gauntlet and uses it in his free hand to hit Carol away. I look towards Strange who looks at Stark, raising one finger. I don't understand. Is this the one? Is the one win he foresaw now at risk? Tony nods, and heads for Thanos. Hel no. Thanos puts the Power Stone back into the Gauntlet, yelling from the gamma radiation coursing through him, until Tony makes one last attack on him. I get up, and join them. I know Tony is going for the stones, but I get to them first, pulling them from Thanos' grasp. Thanos punches us away, and Tony looks at me in shock. I painfully hold my right hand up, the stones encased in an ice gauntlet. Despite the agony I feel as the colorful power surges inside me, I smile.

The purple bitch hold up his fingers, looking at me smugly. "I am...inevitable." He snaps, but of course, nothing happens. He only now sees the Infinity Stones are missing. I hold up my hand to him now. "Suck it bitch." I manage to bring my fingers together, and snap.

Third Person P.O.V.

She felt excruciating pain, something unlike anything she'd ever felt. It traveled up her hand, her arm, her shoulder through the veins inside her. But she did not scream, did not grimace. For she was satisfied with what she saw. Thanos and his army withering to ash and dust, and all her friends alive and well. She let herself fall to the ground with a quiet thump, a small smile of pride of her face. Immediately familiar faces were in her line of vision. Steve held her up slightly, hoping she'd be more comfortable. Thor kept right beside her, whispering comforting words though it wasn't clear if they were for him or for her. Sam stood watching, barely able to breathe in the mist of his dying friend. Tony was frantically trying to check her over, repeating the process he had with Bruce, hoping it would be something.

"You did good, darling." Steve promised her through a broken voice. She looked at him, tears and all, mumbling a small, "Finally." Behind the heroes footsteps were heard. The man appeared to be in good health, though shock and fear written all over his face. The Avengers looked at him with surprise or anger, then down at (Y/n) who smiled at him. She croaked out a feeble word.


Thor laughed quietly, knowing it was her. "You said to change nothing in the last five years." She mentioned to Tony. "You didn't anything about before." Loki knelt down next to her, tears in his eyes. Why bring him back just to suffer this pain?

"Save your breath, (Y/n)." Steve shushed. She couldn't even manage to bring her hand to his face. "It's....too late, Steve." He didn't want to admit, none of them did. But it was impossible to get her medical help in time. Loki shakily brought his hand to her injured side, using magic as a stabilizer. She was instantly comforted. "You can rest now." Steve promised. She smiled, and closed her eyes, the last thing she felt being Steve press his lips to her forehead.

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