Chapter 34

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I stopped as Harry side stepped me. There standing in the middle of the room was a few people who were facing me. I had the biggest flight or fight response right now cause I knew they were Order members, but they were also my parents closest friends. It was the Weasley's, Remus Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. There was a woman standing beside him who I knew was Tonks. I blinked for a few moments and took a step back.

"The last time I saw them they tried to kidnap me." I muttered to Harry. 

"You were with the Malfoy boy." Kingsley said. I just stared at him through narrowed eyes. 

"So, he's been more than...more than I could've ever imagined. He's not as bad as you all make him out to be." I said. They said nothing and I sighed. Harry moved so that he was halfway between me and them. 

"So what exactly did you all need to show me. He said it was important, or made it sound like it was." I commented. Remus nodded. I saw him produce something from his pocket. He waved his wand and the book grew a few sizes. It flew over and hovered in front of me. I stared at it and held out my hands. It dropped into my hands and I stared at the cover. It was a picture of my parents. I smiled down at the cover as I ran my fingers over the cover. I opened and looked at first few pictures. It was my parents growing up. It was the pictures I had seen in the memories.

"These were in my house when they were attacked. When mom died." I whispered as tears gathered in the corner of my eyes. I flipped a page and saw my mom and dad at their wedding and it had the entire Order in it. There was one of my mom dancing with Lupin. My dad doing a cheers in a group of men. Another one with Lily Potter and my mom dancing. I was biting my lip to keep a sob from escaping from between my lips. I glanced at Harry who was looking at Lupin. He nodded.

"We are sorry about what happened that night in the Graveyard." Kingsley said. I nodded.

"I'm sorry that I threw you all back. It hard to trust anyone right now." I said. They nodded at me. The bell rang in the castle and I glanced at them.

"Do you have class?" Harry asked.

"No but I told Draco I'd be in the library. I might have to go so I can keep up the appearance." I said. He nodded. I glanced at them all with a small smile tugging at my lips.

"Thank you for this." I muttered as I hugged the book to my chest.

"You're welcome." Lupin said smiling at me. Mrs. Weasley stepped forward a little bit and I looked up at her.

"And dear if you need anything at all just send a owl to the Burrow, alright? Just because you're stuck at that manor doesn't mean you don't have help on the outside." She murmured. I nodded and she bustled over to me and hugged me. I stood there shocked for a moment unsure whether or not to hug her back.

"Molly, I think she needs a little space." Remus said gently. 

"Oh I'm sorry dear you just remind me so much of your mother." She murmured pulling back cupping my face in her hands. I nodded and she walked back to the rest of the group. I glanced down once more at the book and nodded. 

"Thank you." I murmured and then looked at Harry with a nod before walking out. I headed back to the library carrying the book to my chest. The book was thick and I was hoping there was more than just photos. Maybe letter's or something. I decided to get changed into regular clothing and out of my uniform. Once I finally reached the library I sat down at a table by myself away from most people. I pulled out textbooks to start studying for Defense Against the Dark Arts while occasionally taking breaks to flip through the scrapbook that they had given me.

There were a few pictures of me and my dad after I think mom had been killed. I had noticed my father had three claw marks that cut into the side of his face. In the pictures though he did a good job of trying to cover them up or at least make sure they weren't in the photo. I could only imagine who could've done that to him. A familiar anger was forming in my heart. I didn't realize how dark it had gotten or how late it had gotten till Madam Pince walked over to me. 

The Dark Lords nieceWhere stories live. Discover now