Chapter 36

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I stood there for a moment not saying much. Breakfast had been pretty much over. Draco stood up and looked at me wandering what my move was going to be considering some of the things I knew. But of course they didn't know that I knew those things. I started to chew on the inside of my cheek wondering how maybe I should approach this sort of thing.

"Alexandria." Rodolphus said taking a step forward. I took a step back without meaning to. He looked at me and I saw the shock register in his face. I don't understand why he would think I would react any different. I never knew the man let alone meet him and he expected me to welcome him with open arms? Yeah, right.

"That is why I wanted to wait till later on to do this. She's been through enough already in the last few days alone." Mrs. Malfoy said stepping in to be my savior. She was acting like how she did with Draco and it made my heart swell knowing that she cared that much. Rodolphus glanced over at her and nodded. 

"Of course, later." He said nodding. He glanced over at me one last time giving me a nod and walking out of the room. Bellatrix followed behind him as I stared at the floor. I took a deep breath and I saw feet appear in the spot I was staring at on the floor. I glanced up to see Draco. 

"You alright?" He murmured. I nodded. 

"Yeah, I think." I muttered. He took my hand and I wasn't going to lie, I was shocked. I didn't think he personally would show any sort of display of affection, but here he was proving me wrong. I gripped his hand tightly as I started to chew on my lip. 

"Narcissa let's give these two some space." Lucius said. I glanced up surprised as Mrs. Malfoy nodded and headed out of the room behind him. Mrs. Malfoy smiled at me as she left me alone with Draco. As soon as they both left I quickly wrapped my arms around Draco's waist. He chuckled and set a hand on my hair. The comfort his touch brought me still scared me to this day sometimes. 

"You really know how to talk. I'm impressed you lasted as long as you did with my father. I think you made a good first impression." He murmured as I glanced up at him. I stared up at him with these wide puppy dog like expression. He pressed his lips to my head and I let a wide grin spread across my face.

"I know how to butter adults up." I smiled up at him. He bent down and pressed his lips to mine quickly. When he went to pull back I did the same thing he did earlier, and followed his lips as they pulled away. I heard a low chuckle before he pulled back to far and I was too short to follow. I frowned at him.

"Come on, do you want to play some music for me?" He asked. I nodded, knowing he was trying to take my mind off things. Draco knew I got easily distracted when I was involved in music. He took my hand, lacing his fingers through mine, as he led me to the room where there was a piano. I smiled as I ran my fingers over the glossy surface when I finally was sitting in front of it again. I sat down and laid my fingers over the keys and just started playing. Draco sat down beside me not disturbing me as the sound flew from the keys. After a minute or so Draco pulled out music after I had paused. 

"I know it's muggle composures but my mom and I used to listen to them when my father was away for business. It used to relax her and apparently I would fall asleep to it." He murmured. I glanced it over as I looked at the title. It was Beethoven. I smiled. 

"Courtney actually taught me this one." I murmured as I spied the Fur Elise title. He nodded as he wrapped an arm around my waist. My fingers started to trail over the keys as I started to play. My fingers glided over the keys flawlessly as I read the music. Draco of course was watching my hands as they moved over the keys. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't turn around.

"I haven't heard this is such a long time." Mrs. Malfoy murmured from behind me. Draco turned his head to look at his mother.

"I love when she plays." Draco murmured. I smiled as I trilled through the part most people didn't listen to long enough to hear. Draco gave me a squeeze as I kept going. I closed my eyes as the notes became familiar once more to me. I bowed my head as I started towards the ending and once I finished it was silent. I turned my head up to look at the paper. I heard Mrs. Malfoy start clapping and then there were others joining. I turned around startled to see Rodolphus, Mr. Malfoy, Bellatrix, and Mrs. Malfoy. My face flushed red but I put my head up high in the air proud.

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