Chapter 43

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I smiled as I sat under the tent tapping my fingers to the rhythm of the music on the table top. Courtney looked at me tense from her now dark brown eyes. I knew that look. She was growing anxious being there and felt like we needed to leave.

"Relax no one knows we're here." I laughed smiling. She shook her head at me and then smiled as her drink refilled itself in front of her. She took a drink to try and relax herself and then I saw Harry a little bit away from me talking to someone. I noticed Luna Lovegood here dancing some weird dance with someone who looked very much like her. Her father perhaps. I was scanning the crowd when someone stood in front of me. I glanced up and saw George standing in front of me. 

"Well, you look rather bored. Care for a dance?" He asked. Courtney sputtered in her drink as I shrugged. 

"Why not." I laughed as he held out his hand. 

"Lexi." She hissed. 

"It's a wedding Court. Loosen up just a bit." I laughed. She rolled her eyes at me and set me with an annoyed look as I stood up and took his hand. We got eyes as we started dancing amongst the others. I heard people start whispering after a little bit wondering who I was. 

"You should tell your snake friend to relax a little. Maybe she would have a better time." He laughed as he twirled me around. I shrugged. 

"She's just worried about me. A lot of people would have my head right now if they knew I was here." I muttered. He shrugged.

"Oh yeah their precious Princess slinging it with the other side. How scandalous." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. 

"It wouldn't be good. For anyone." I muttered. He shrugged again as a mischievous smile twisted on his lips.

"What's life without a little fun?" He teased me as we turned.

"That's what I told my brother." I laughed. We jerked to a stop, and he stared down at me. I blinked confused as he pulled me off to the side out of the way of the other dancers. Courtney's head shot up rather fast from where she sat at the table having a conversation with someone. I waved her off and she narrowed her eyes before glancing back at the person she was talking to. 

"What did you say?" He asked me confused. I stared at him weird. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"Repeat to me what you said." He said. I racked my brain for a moment before I realized I had said something about Matthew. No one knew he was even a thing to worry about. I felt my mouth go dry as I swallowed nervously. 

"That's what I told my brother." I muttered. His eyes bugged out of my head as he started to search for someone in the crowd. Him being taller had a bigger advantage as I did. I was confused on who he was looking for. 

"Who are you looking for?" I asked.

"Lupin." He said. I nodded and then I saw Ron and Hermione making their way over to us. Harry was still talking to someone. 

"What's wrong?" Ron asked. 

"We need to find Lupin. He's going to hear what just popped out of her mouth." George said. They both glanced at me as I glanced down at the floor. I picked at my fingers before glancing at them both as they stared at me expectedly.

"I have a twin brother." I muttered. Ron's eyes bugged out of his head.

"You have what?!" He demanded. I rolled my eyes. 

"His name is Matthew. You can tell we're twins." I muttered. Hermione nodded and I noticed she started to chew on her lip a little. That's when I spotted between them Lupin talking to someone who had their back turned to me. They were every bit as tall as Lupin but with dark brown hair clipped short. It reminded of a military style haircut. I narrowed my eyes as Lupin chuckled at whatever they were saying before catching my stare. He nodded at me, and the person turned around and glanced at who Lupin was staring at. My breath caught in my throat as I let out a strangled sounded gasp. Hermione, George, and Ron all stared at me as my eyes filled with tears. The man's eyes widened as my hair went back to dark and eyes faded to hazel. I saw Courtney look at me shocked before glancing over and her looking shocked at the man. He had the scar running down the left side of his face just like the picture I had back in room showed him with.

The Dark Lords nieceWhere stories live. Discover now