Chapter 41

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I was walking around the manor trying to figure out what to do. It was the 31st, and that meant it was Harry's birthday. There were death eaters all over the manor. I didn't know exactly what they were planning but it seemed to involve a lot of people. I couldn't find Draco or my brother. A death eater walked past me and I got a chill going up my spine. I turned around watching him go down the hallway and at the end of the hallway he turned, but before he kept walking he turned and looked at me. I saw a sneer curl up at his lips before continuing. I was going to remember those stupid eyes of his. 

"I hate people." I muttered as I put my hands back into my pockets and headed back to my room. Well, maybe I could sneak away and go to the burrow to let the Weasley's know that I would be coming to the wedding that was tomorrow. I sighed and then glanced down the hallway as I went into my room. No one was coming. I closed the door behind me and started looking through my drawers for the letter they had sent me. I had carefully hidden it away from Draco the day we had returned in a false bottom in one of the desk drawers. I loved him but when he was curious about something he wouldn't stop asking or looking for it. I sighed as I wiggled it out of its hiding place. A crack sounded in my room and I jumped and turned around. Mopsey appeared. 

"Young master Malfoy would like to see you." She said. I nodded. 

"Where is Draco?" I asked. 

"His room misses." She said bowing. I nodded folding the piece of paper up small before stuffing it back into my back pocket. I headed out of my room and down the hallway till coming to his room. I opened the door and slide in through the tiniest opening. He was shirtless and I don't think he heard me opening his door. The shirt he had on the bed had some dirt on it. 

"Rawr." I chuckled. He jumped slightly startled and turned towards me. He shook his head a smile pulling up at his lips. I walked over to his bed and straightened the shirt he had thrown off onto it. I noticed blood splatter and dirt and grime.

"More creature recruiting?" I asked. He nodded as ran my hand over the small tiny bits of blood spatter. I glanced up at his face and noticed a few scratches. I walked over to him and turned him towards me making sure that he was alright. I ran my hands down his chest checking him over before looking at his face.

"Did you want me to fix your scratches?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'll get the house elves to fix it." He murmured taking my hand gently in his. I just nodded and then glanced up at the few scratches he had. 

"It's from twigs and stuff." He murmured.

"Oh the great Draco Malfoy walking through twigs and brush?" I teased. He rolled his eyes at me as he tweaked me in the side. I squeaked and he just smirked down at me as he pulled me up against him. He kissed me lightly as he wrapped an arm around my waist. My arm snaked around the back of his neck pulling him closer. The fireplace roared and I pulled back from the kiss to see Blaise brushing off his button down shirt. I raised an eyebrow to him as he glanced at the scene before him. 

"Did I interrupt something?" Blaise asked. Draco and I shook our heads as I flushed red. I took a step back from Draco.

"No. What's up?" I asked. 

"I need Draco's help at the manor." He said. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Like something safe right?" I asked. Blaise stared at me confused before looking at Draco with a raised eyebrow. 

"Seriously? Me not doing something safe?" Blaise teased. I rolled my eyes. 

"Lexi." Draco murmured as he pulled on another button-down shirt. I glanced at him with this look before looking at Blaise. 

The Dark Lords nieceWhere stories live. Discover now