Chapter 10

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It was now October and Halloween happened to be next weekend. I was doing well in all my classes and everyone thought that I was going to be in running for Head Girl at the end of the year. I knew that would never happen but who knew. Draco was still working on that stupid mission whenever he got that chance. It felt like some days I didn't see him at all but during classes and at night when we were all in the common room. Some days it was alright but others were hard. It just depending on how my day went also. I had also befriended Harry, Hermione, and Ron more or less to Draco's liking. He didn't like it but I told him he didn't have to be friends with them. That was me. He just mainly kept quiet most of the time whenever I saw them and stopped to talk to them before glaring at them. 

I sighed as I glanced down at the paper I was working on for Charms. I couldn't really focus because one I was sitting on Draco's lap, two he was running his hands up and down my sides and three he was kissing the side of my neck every so often. I glanced back at him with narrowed eyes.

"Draco you're not helping here." I muttered as I pushed my hair behind my ears which he just plucked off the nape of my neck and placed a delicate kiss there. I flushed.

"So? Take a break you've been studying for hours. You're getting as bad as Granger." He said as he picked up my bookmark and placed it in my book before taking it out of my hands and closing it. He placed it on the table in front of me and then turned me so I was straddling his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled and pecked me on the lips. 

"See look how easy that was." He murmured. I shook my head and laughed at him.

"So what do you guys do for Halloween around here?" I asked. 

"We have a party hosted by the 7th years." He said. 

"So copious amounts of drinking and people getting super drunk?" I asked. Draco nodded.

"Exactly." Adrian smirked as he came up the stairs with his hands in his pockets. I glanced over at him as he approached us.

"You better have a lot then because I feel like a lot of these kids have drinking problems." I said. 

"Don't worry we have it covered." Theo said as he looked up from his parchment he was currently scribbling furiously on. He was in my charms class with me.  He seemed to be struggling with the assignment as much as I had been. 

"Like do we have costumes and such?" I asked. They all nodded.

"Yes of course what Halloween party doesn't?" Adrian laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"It's right after the feast." Draco said. I nodded and smiled. 

"So when do we go into Hogsmeade? I have to go get a costume." I said. 

"Tomorrow since it's the weekend is when we go shopping." Sydney smiled plopping down next to Draco on the sofa. I smiled over at her.

"Alright cool that sounds like a plan. " I smiled. I was also planning a side trip to Honeydukes for some candy. A few chocolate frogs sounded like a good idea.

"Time to get you into something skimpy for once." Sydney smirked. Draco smirked at the corner of my eye and I shook my head at them both.

"Oh haha," I said. I leaned my head against Draco's shoulder and he kissed the side of my head. He started moving his kisses down till they reached my neck. 

"Get a room!" They all said. 

"Shut up," We argued. I closed my eyes and turned my face so it was nestled into Draco's neck and kissed it lightly. He chuckled and poked me in the sides earning a squeak from me. 

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