Chapter 27

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The next morning I was sitting in the Great Hall by myself and I glanced up because I felt eyes on me. There sitting at the Gryffindor table was Harry and Hermione staring at me. I looked back down at my breakfast which happened to be eggs and chocolate chip pancakes. I heard the someone stand in front of me and I glanced up to see Blaise. I internally relaxed.

"And so it begins." Blaise teased as he sat across from me. I shook my head. Draco hadn't come back while I was still awake last night and when Blaise had come down in the common room this morning he said Draco was still asleep. I just rolled my eyes. 

"I hate this." I muttered as I stirred a piece of pancake around in the yolk of my egg. Blaise shrugged. 

"Just something you're going to have to get used to." He murmured as I peered up to just have Harry staring at me. I just ducked my head back down and shook my head. 

"I need spring break." I muttered.

"Spring what?" Blaise asked. I shook my head.

"Easter." I said. 

"Oh, Easter holiday." He said. I rolled my eyes. Okay, so not knowing the lingo at Hogwarts sometimes for the breaks and stuff was annoying. They didn't understand what I was saying but as soon as I said something relate-able it was like a light bulb flashed over their head in amusement. 

"I think the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw this Friday would be amusing though." Blaise sneered. 

"And why?" I asked as the doors creaked open to reveal a blonde-haired boy. 

"Cause they had to substitute Wesley since he's out. And it should be funny to watch the team fail." He said as Draco made his way over to us.

"Morning." I said. 

"Morning." He murmured as he reached us. He sat down beside me and gave me a morning kiss. 

"Sleep in late enough?" Blaise chuckled. Draco cut him a glare and Blaise stopped immediately. 

"Relax it was a joke." I murmured running my hand up and down his back. He nodded and just put his face into his hands. Blaise and I exchanged uneasy looks. Draco wasn't normally this bad in front of others. He normally kept it behind closed doors. 

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked. He nodded.

"Not much sleep last night." He murmured as he buttered some toast. That's when Courtney came and sat down beside Blaise. 

"Did you guys finish any of your homework for McGonagall?" She asked. I nodded. 

"I did it Friday night. I'm trying to get ahead in everything." I said. 

"Why?" She asked curious as she started to put hash-browns and eggs onto her plate. I just shrugged. 

"Just want to be able to have some free time for a change." I said. She nodded at me before glancing at Draco. That's when the mail started to come through the ceiling carried by owls. I saw newspapers getting dropped and once the one landed in front of me I unwrapped it and scanned through it. I saw eyes start to wander towards me as it listed people who had disappeared mysterious or who had ended up dead. 

"The whispers are going to start." Blaise warned me. I grimaced but nodded. 

"So what did you guys want to do today?" I asked. 

"I have homework." Courtney grumbled. I looked at Bethany as she sat down. 

"What?" She asked. 

"Did you have any plans for today?" I asked.

"Yeah, homework." She sighed. I groaned. 

"I feel like I'm the only one who did their homework already!" I exclaimed dramatically. Blaise chuckled but nodded.

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