Chapter 26

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When I woke up I glanced over at the windows to see that it was still slightly dark outside the castle. I needed a way to get back down to the common room without getting caught by either a prefect or a teacher walking around making sure everyone was still in bed. I sighed as I heard creaking. I looked off to my right to see a door forming in the solid stone. I nodded.

"Cool." I murmured. I went over to it and pulled it open. It led to a passageway. I carefully made my way through the passage until I arrived at another door. I carefully pushed the door open an inch and peered around outside. I was in a hallway down in the dungeons. I pushed the door open enough so I could slip outside and once the door shut behind me it disappeared. 

"Well, that makes sense on how the DA moved around." I whispered.

"How would you know that?" Hermione asked. I jumped clutching my hands to my chest as I caught my breath. 

"What?" I breathed.

"How would you know about the DA from last year?" She asked with an eyebrows raised. I paused for a moment trying to think of something that would sound alright to her.

"...Draco told stories." I murmured. She just studied me with narrowed eyes. 

"Why do I feel like you know a lot more than I think you let on." She murmured. I shrugged as I put my hands into my pockets. She stared at me with her narrowed eyes and I tried to breath normal. I was just trying to make sure I didn't look like I was nervous about anything at all. 

"You can think whatever you can. Draco just told me a lot of stories before I got here." I muttered. She just stared at me and after a moment she let me pass by her.

"What were you doing in the Room of Requirement anyway? How did you know about it?" She asked. I froze. I glanced back at her. 

"I stumbled up it. When Draco talked about it from when you guys used it I went looking for it and it appeared. I just needed some quiet time away from everyone to think." I muttered. Her gaze softened. 

"I know we're no where close to friends but if you need to talk, I'm here if you need someone to talk to." She said. I gave her a small smile. If only I could talk to you about the things I needed someone to talk to them about. 

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." I murmured. She smiled at me and I continued walking down the hallway till I got to the portrait. I muttered the password before it swung open to let me pass through.

"Late night wondering, Miss Riddle?" It asked me. I nodded.

"You could say that yes," I muttered as it shut behind me. On the couch all laid out, with his arm draped over his eyes, was Draco. I tilted my head to the side staring at him. He looked peaceful. I walked over to him and shook him gently. He shot up and looked around quickly before his eyes locked onto me.

"You didn't come back last night." He muttered as I sat down beside him. I nodded.

"I fell asleep in the room of requirement." I said. He nodded and looked at me. He bent forward and kissed me lightly on the lips. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer. His arms snaked around my waist before I moved so I was straddling his waist. He pulled me closer so that there wasn't any space between us. When I pulled back from the kiss I took a few deep breaths. I pulled back opening my eyes. He was staring up at me and ran a few fingers over my cheeks lightly. I felt the familiar heat up of my cheeks and he chuckled at me. 

"Still am able to do that." He murmured. I just shrugged and tucked my face into the crook of his neck. He ran his hands up and down my waist lightly. 

"Come on. You do realize it's Saturday, correct?" He asked. I shook my head and he chuckled. 

"Let's get you some sleep." He murmured. I just nodded and carefully climbed off him. He then did the unexpected and picked me up carefully when he moved to the side of me. I squeaked quietly before wrapping my arms around his neck. He just shook his head at me with a small smile on his face. When we got to the to the boys dormitory he quietly opened the door. Snores greeted us by Blaise. I saw the heater's coals burning dimly in the center of the room as he set me down onto his bed. He handed me my clothes I had stashed here and looked around.

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