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Hot sexy hunk of a man (Matías): Come outside (just now)

Aiden stared at the short text in confusion.

Go outside? Why couldn't he just come in?

And at five in the evening too.

Groaning, Aiden threw his legs to the side of the bed and got off, lazily making his way out his room and down the stairs, almost tripping and falling flat on his face but we won't talk about that.

The slight cold had made him lazy over the past few days, or at least that's what his excuse was for why he could hardly get out of bed.

Aiden quickly grabbed a hold of Ash's hoodie that he found lying on the couch. He questioned how Ash hadn't seen him take it, taken how he was nowhere near discreet about his intentions to steal it.

Maybe it was just because he didn't really care. Taken how he kept smiling like an idiot,  Aiden guessed that he was too distracted, his eyes glued to his phone as he texted who he could only assume was Nora.

After being nonchalantly told that he was dating Nora, Aiden castrated Ash with questions. The repeated one being along the lines of " and why didn't you fucking tell me, you cunt"

Sure he was a bit hurt that they kept it from him but who had time to be sad over little fucking things? Ash finally got a girlfriend after being badly dumped by the last one which was roughly two years ago? (Well to be fair, Aiden never really liked her. She was a bitch)

After the hoodie was sitting comfortably on his body, Aiden lazily opened the door, his eyes being met with the sight of Matías leaning against his car scrolling on his phone.

The sight made Aiden's mouth water slightly. Why was the dude so fucking hot without even trying.

"You know, you could have just asked me to go over. I had nothing to do anyway" Aiden stated to try and get rid of his thoughts. He walked closer to Matías who looked up at his voice with that small smile of his.

"Hey. Yeah I know but where's the fun in that" Matías shrugged, slipping his phone into his pocket.

Aiden rolled his eyes, a smile threatening to make a way onto his face.

"What are you doing here anyway"

Matías smirked and Aiden instantly knew that he was about to say some cheesy ass shit

"I'm here to spend time with you of course"

Of all things...

Despite almost fainting because of how cute Matías was being, a smile bloomed on his face and a light blush covered his cheeks. Dude, why couldn't his cheeks work with him and not against him all the fucking time.

It was so not fucking cool.

"Well... would you like to come inside?"

"Oh" Matías chuckled and Aiden wondered if he had said something amusing.

"No no don't frown" Matìas smiled, pressing both his index fingers against each end of Aiden's lips, turning his lips up into a smile.

Fuck this wasn't helping the whole 'just friends' thing he was going for at all.

"I actually wanted to take you out tonight"

Aiden's heart fluttered.  Matìas wanted to take him out?

He had to be fucking dreaming. He just had to be.

Don't get excited so quickly Aiden. It's not like it's a date or anything.

Right. It was just a friendly gesture. Friends take each other out all the time.

"Oh..." Aiden attempted a smile, hating that he allowed his negative thoughts to ruin his night. "I'll just get changed then" he took a turn to leave but was stopped as a hand grabbed a hold of his arm on a gentle grip, stopping him from walking any further.

Aiden could feel the heat of Matías' hand through the oversized hoodie that he stole earlier from Ash, making his heart go into overdrive.

"Why though? I think you look cute" Matìas said softly as he eyes slowly roamed up and down Aiden's frame.

"Oh" Aiden said dumbly "then I won't change then"

"Okay good" Matías smiled but made no attempt at releasing Aiden's arm

"Okay then" Aiden whispered. He wasn't sure why but he felt that speaking normally in this situation would ruin the moment—if he was even allowed to call it that. "I'll just notify Ash about me leaving"

"Okay good then"


But again, neither males made a move to leave.

The sun was slowly setting and crickets had come out.

And deep down wished that this moment would never end.

Whatever this was, he wanted it to last forever.

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