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Remaining calm and collected was something that Matias was always succeeding it.

Okay wait, that was a lie.

To say that he was horrible at keeping his emotions in check would be the understatement of the century.

Sure he might have the nonchalant facial expression which resembled one of a robot and murder always seemed to be on his mind but he genuinely was so so bad at trying to act cool.

Especially when he was around certain people.

And come on, we all knew who certain people was.

To think that just four months ago he was trying to convince himself that he saw Aidan as nothing but a close friend.

Yet, now, Aidan was like his world.

His light in the darkness and all that other cheesy, cringe-worthy shit.

Which was exactly why he decided that today would be the day that he would finally ask the male out on a date.

Commonly known as the d- word

And no he did not in any way mean dick.

He meant date.

There were many things Matias learnt about Aiden.

One prime example being that Aiden had little to no interest in anything fancy and hated wearing a tie with a burning passion so he naturally picked nice, relaxation filled, calm settings over formal settings where everything you did had to be done in a 'respectful' manner.

It was cute and Matias applauded the beautiful male for having such good taste.

That was not the point though.

The point was that Matias would be finally asking the question.

Usually, Matias would have had no problem with this if it was anyone else but the thing was, Aiden wasn't just anyone else, so he just had to make sure everything was perfect.

Mentally jotting down ideas, Matìas rushed to the house next door where his gorgeous male stayed. He knew that Aiden was not home as he had gone out to spend the day with that blue-haired chick who he admit, was cool, so that left him to speak with Asher privately without any interruption.

Knocking on the door to atleast make it known that he was there, Matìas pushed the door open after no response, figuring that Ash was probably in his room or some shit.

The two males had grown awfully close and Matias had to admit, he kind-of saw Ash as a big brother, if not a best friend, which was ironic since he had a literal more-than-a-crush on his little brother which succeeded in making this seem like some 'best friend's brother' gay romcom Wattpad book, had it not been that Matias met Aiden before he did his brother.

The wooden floor made a weird noise under his weight but he was too preoccupied with the task at hand to pay any attention to the sound.

Prepare the perfect date.

It was a short four worded sentence which continuously repeated itself in the male's mind and when he found Ash typing away on his phone, he smirked.


"so you're telling me that you finally grew the balls to ask him out?" eyes were rolled at the question which was answered more than five times before. if it was one thing Ash was good at beside Math and video games, it was being fucking annoying.

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