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The sun hid behind a cloud that looked a little too fluffy to be normal-or atleast that's what Aiden thought.

The sky was getting a darker grey with every passing moment and the male feared that it was only a matter of time before it started storming.

"I have something planned out for us today"

Aiden tore his eyes away from the sad-looking sky and to the-very handsome-male next to him.

"You do? What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a suprise if I told you, now would it?"

Aiden resisted an eye-roll at this, a smiling making way onto his face nonetheless.

"Aww don't be like that Matty"

Matìas chuckled, a sound Aiden was sure he could never get bored listening to.

After that little riddle stunt Ash pulled about a few days ago Aiden had tried countless times to get him to reveal the meaning behind what he said but to no avail.

Aiden had one stubborn fucking brother.

He decided to just forget about it as it was probably just Ash trying to prank him again like he always did but for some reason, that thought hadn't sat right with Aiden.

Thankfully, Matias had decided to visit Aiden, almost immediately making the latter forget about the situation and instead filled him with warmth and smiles.

Matias had apparently wanted to hang out as he always did and Aiden agreed-as he always did

"Could you atleast give me a hint?" Aiden begged trying his hardest to retrieve some type of information from the male in the drivers seat

"Ah-ah" Matias said slowly, as if he was speaking to a child "A suprise is as it says Aiden-a suprise"

Aiden groaned and slid down in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout.

He knew that he was acting as just that-a child but really, who could blame him?

Being patient was something Aiden was always bad at, always failing in that category. He was a hyper, jumpy person so patience was something that naturally always failed to get it's hold on him.

He always assumed that it was those jelly beans he use to steal from his parents' closet as a kid and though it seemed dumb now that he was older, he still uses it as an excuse to this day.

Force of habit?

The male adjusted his seatbelt as the male singer Bazzi sung in the background along with the deep, rich sound of Matías' humming filled his ears.

He leant his head again the chilled window, glancing at the male who sat in the drivers seat as his thoughts yet again wondered back to a few days prior.

'For you, I'd do anything'

It was a simple statement but the way Matias said it, it was like it held more emotion and meaning to it than what it originally should.

Aiden knew that the statement meant that you would do anything for the specific person you said it to but again, Matias said it in a way that was less of 'you're my friend so I'd do anything for you' and more of a 'I would kill for you, steal for you, lie for you, hurt for you and die for you'

But that would just be absurd because one-Aiden was sure Matìas was straight-and two- He was also sure that even if Matias did swing that way, he only saw him as a friend.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Aiden raised his head from the window as he blinked.

He hadn't even realised that the car had stopped moving with all these jumbled up thoughts mentally bombarding him.

The male took a deep breath before focusing on Matias.

"Nothing really" he shrugged.

Perhaps he would sort that mental mess up another time. For now, he would just enjoy his time.


"So" Matías began and Aiden raised a brow at him to continue "Well..."

Aiden placed his phone in his lap and stared at Matías.

He was tongue-tied.

Matías was never tongue-tied.

He was, if anything, the most straight forward person Aiden has ever known.

So what the fucking was going on right?

"Spit it out yeah? We haven't got all day" he joked to ease the tension.

Matías opened his mouth to speak when the traffic light turned green. Groaning in frustration, he stepped on the gas.

Aiden patiently waited as Matías readied himself.

"So i was talking with Asher the other day-"

"You spoke to my brother!?" Aiden shrieked but the words went right over Matías's head. Probably because he already expected that reaction

"-yes now shut up. Anyway. I was talking with him the other day and he kinda let it slip that you're... y'know"

Aiden's brows furrowed before realization sunk in "Ooh" he slowly nodded in understanding "that I'm bisexual? I mean...yeah. it's not something I've been trying to hide or anything. Why? Does it bother you?"

"No it doesn't. Shut up" Matías frowned, seemingly offended "I just though you were a full on fruit loop. I didn't know you were into girls too"

"Oh" Aiden blinked before letting out a snort "a full on fruit loop you say? Well damn, i must be really tasty then" he teased and immediately regretted it the minute the words left his mouth.

'i must be really tasty then? Seriously Aiden?'

"Aiden. Shut the fuck up" Matías mumbled, making a left.

"Shutting up" Aiden nodded.

After a few seconds of silence, Aiden spoke again "what about you?" He glanced at Matías from the corner of his eye.

"What about me?"

"You know what i mean" Aiden grumbled

"Are you trying to ask if I'm into dudes? Because if so then yeah, I guess I am. I'm not picky. I fall for who I fall and I'm attracted to who I'm attracted to. I don't really like labelling myself" Matías ended off with a nonchalant shrug

"Woah" Aiden muttered, eyes wide "i aspire to be like you one day" was what left his mouth. But what he really wanted to say was,

"So you're saying i actually have a chance?"

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