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"Aww honey, I miss you guys much"

Sniffles could be heard from the other line.

"We miss you too mum" was the synced reply. Aiden glared at Ash whom chuckled, disregarding the look.

"And what about me!?"

"Yes dad, we miss you too" Asher chuckled with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm not convinced" their dad huffed and soon the coo'ing of their mother could be heard through the speaker.

Aiden and Asher turned to each other with amused smiles plastered on their face.

A whole thirty years since their parents met and they still act like lovesick teens.

Aiden admit that it was cute seeing their parents so in love but sometimes it becomes a bit of an eyesore.

"So Aiden" Melissa spoke after the coo'ing stopped, thank the heavens— "Any girlfriend or boyfriend yet?"

—and he spoke too soon.

Aiden's mind instantly went back to Matìas and he was just barely able to stop himself from choking on his spit.

Was it at the question or because of the person that instantly came to mind?

"Wha- me? Psh no" he defended but by then it was too late.

"Aw nah mum you should've seen him. He's been getting real close with the neighbour's son" Ash spoke with a smirk on his face and Aiden had to stop himself from bitch slapping the dick in the face so he instead opted for a murderous glare.

"REALLY!?" Melissa gasped and soon Aiden had to cover his ears as the sound of his mother's high pitched squeals filled his ears.

"Mom noooo. He's being delusional" Aiden tried to stop his mother but to no avail.

Little fucking shit Ash was

"Okay okay I'm done I'm done. First thing we're doing after we return is having dinner with the neighbours. I'm surprised we haven't met them yet"


"Oops looks like your dad needs me. I love you both my little munchkins. See you next week. Bye"


"Bye mum love you too" Ash ended the call with that stupid smirk still plastered on his stupid face.

Aiden glared at his brother so damn hard and if looks could kill, Ash would've been in the Netherworld already.

Did he just make a Minecraft reference? Yes, yes he did, but that was not the fucking point.

"Watch yourself Asher William Elliot" Aiden warned, adding a finger for extra effect.

"Oh?" Ash raised a brow "We're on full name bases now? Tsk tsk, wonder what Matías would say about that"

Aiden had to fight off a blush.

They were now neck-to-neck though Aiden had to look up slightly but we don't talk about that either.

"You don't know what you're talking about"

"Oh but I do little brother. I know more than you think" Ash smirked mysteriously before stepping back.

"We're having pizza for dinner" he sung out leaving the room with no explanation, knowing that he had Aiden right where he wanted him

Aiden blinked once, then twice, then thrice before finally snapping out of it.

"The hell did he mean by he knew more than what I thought he did? what fucking riddle shit is this. ASHER. GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING JERK-FACED DICKHEAD"


Aiden glared at Asher from across the counter top.

Asher, who noticed this, dropped his slice of pizza onto his plate with a sigh "what do you want now?"

"Tell me what you meant by what you said earlier"

Asher gave him a bored look in response "what exactly did I say earlier?. Cause i remember saying a lot"

Aiden let out an annoyed huff "you know exactly what I'm talking about Asher William Elliot. Don't play with me right now"

"Ew" Ash pulled a face "playing with you is the last thing I'd do. Trust me"

Aiden gave him a blank stare in response.

Knowing that he wasn't about to get out of this, Ash sighed "Seriously Aiden. There's nothing to worry about. I just said it to make you curios" he shrugged "your thinking face is fucking hilarious"

Aiden assessed his face for a few moments and Ash stared blankly back at him.

Letting out a sigh, Aiden shoved a piece of pizza in his mouth "You're an idiot. Honest"

"I learn from the best. I learn from youuuuu"

"Don't. Just don't."

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