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With wide eyes he stared at the sight before him.

Bright lights shone in the night, the sound of laughter filling the air.

Food and game booths were set up in rows.

The distinct smell of corn dogs and popcorn filled his nose.

His eyes caught a couple in the distance, smiles on their faces and a warmth in their eyes.

Another pair caught his attention. They seemed to be siblings as they shared some resemblances. A pout was on the one's face as he seemed to have lost the game.

A few kids ran past Aiden, just barely running into him as his eyes roamed his surrounding.

He smiled as he watched their backs.

They seemed to be having a fucking blast.

A warm hand on his shoulder made him turn around. He caught the person's smile and he knew.

"What would you like to do first?" Matìas' voice filled his ears. He had to lean closer so that Aiden could hear him over the sound of laughter.

A blush filled his cheeks at their proximity but a large portion of his mind was still filled with the contagious excitement one gets when at the fare.

"Whichever you prefer" Aiden shrugged happily though his eyes immediately drifted to a stall with a huge teddy bear which he assumed was the prize for winning the game.

It was a fluffy brown one with a red heart at the center of its chest.

He so totally saw himself cuddling with the little shit.

A hand clasped around his wrist while another went around his waist as they started walking forward.

Aiden looked up at Matìas who had a glint in his eyes. Sensing his gaze, Matìas looked down slightly.

"So that we don't separate" he explained shortly.

Aiden had a feeling that there was more to it, but that quickly dissipated at the sight of the huge teddy bear on display.

"What do we have to do to get the huge bear?" He heard Matìas ask the booth owner.

A feeling blossomed in his chest. But he shook it away.

Friends buy friends things all the time, Aiden.

He made a promise to himself that he would enjoy himself and not allow those shitty thoughts that he had been getting lately get to his head and ruin his night.

"Easy" the booth owner shrugged "Take the gun and shoot the target"

"Hmm" Matìas narrowed his eyes at the man "that's not all there is to it, is there"

The man chuckled though Aiden wasn't sure of what the joke was "Nope. The targets move. Sounds easy but it's really not, is honestly just a waste of money"

Matìas snorted "how much?"

"I'mma be nice and go with seven bucks. Though as I've said before kid, its just a waste of-"

"What do ya wanna do next?" Matìas asked as they walked past different booths.

Aiden adjusted the hug as fuck bear in his arms, almost falling face first because the fucking little shit was so fucking big, he could hardly see where he was going with it in the way.

"I told you to let me carry it" Matías sighed, taking the bear from his arms.

"Technically, you shoved him in my arms and told me he was for me and the proceeded to rub it in that dude's face" Aiden muttered, stretching his arms before something caught his attention.

"Ooo a photo booth" Aiden grinned as he dragged Matìas over to the booth. After paying and waiting in line for a bit, it was finally their turn.

They got comfortable in the little booth, Matías' huge body taking up most of the space along with the huge ass fucking teddy bear but Aiden couldn't find it in him to complain, mainly because he found that he didn't mind.

Most of the things Matias did had started growing on the male but again, complaining was the last thing on his mind, if there at all.

Aiden smiled as his thoughts seemed to be paused, something that always happened when Matias was around.

His body seem to take these feelings with open arms, but when would he realize just exactly what these feelings were?

Was it just a a little crush or....

Or was it more than that?

"Thank you for bringing me here Matias" Aidan whispered happily to the male beside him, afraid of ruining the moment by speaking in a normal tone of voice.

"Of course love. For you, I'd do anything"

Aiden met Matìas' eyes, searching them as he tried to decipher the meaning behind those words.

And though he had no clue on what Matias meant, he clung onto every word.

It was bad, he knew that. But he couldn't help it. Deep down inside there was hope. Hope that whatever it was Aiden was feeling, that Matías felt that way too.

Their night ended with random conversation and constant laughs.

It was nice. Really nice.

When they ended up infront of his house, Aiden frowned, mainly because he didn't want the night to end.

"Well, this is where we say goodbye" he let out a dramatic sigh.

Matìas snorted "you do remember that we live next to each other, right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Of course" Aiden blinked, a sheepish smile gracing his lips.

He opened the door and got out "Goodnight Mr Kingston" he grinned

Matìas grinned back before clicking his tongue and grabbing the huge teddy bear in the back seat, shoving it in Aiden's face.


"Consider it a peace treaty" Matìas teased, cutting Aiden off.

"What? Were we at war?" Aiden muttered, struggling to hold the huge ass teddy bear up.

"Maybe" Matìas dragged out, before leaving, driving into his driveway.

Aiden watched, rolling his eyes when Matìas dramatically walked to his door, before he too decided on heading inside.


Wow was right.

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