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There were many times where Aiden was convinced that he was a spy in his past life.

Or maybe an FBI agent.

Nah, a spy sounded way cooler

But wasn't an FBI agent a spy?.

Like, come on, sneaking around and succeeding in not alarming anyone at, what, three in the morning? was probably the most spy-iest thing Aiden has ever done.

Was that even a word?


Hell if he knew, he wasn't a damn dictionary, dammit

But seriously, he was so sneaky, he put the sneakiest fucking spy out there to shame.

James Bond would be proud. Or envious. Maybe both.

Okay so maybe he had to explain the situation he was currently in.

Was it necessary?

Maybe not.

But was he going to do it either way? Hell fucking yeah. It was a free country after all.

To put it shortly, he woke up at three in the morning hungry.

No, starving.

He felt like he hadn't eaten in days.

Who knew that cuddling could give you such a huge appetite.

Not Aiden apparently.

Matìas had a fucking bear grip, that much Aiden knew.

Like jeez, it took Aiden more than twenty minutes to successfully wiggle his way out of the male's grasp without alarming him and stealthily replacing his absence with a pillow and getting the hell out of there.

Like he said, James Bond would be prouvious.

Hah, see what he did there?

Mixing proud and envious?

...moving on.

After escaping, he did a little victory dance before hopping his way down the stairs, only to almost fall face first upon seeing something he never thought he'd see so soon at the bottom of the stairs.

His mom's rather expensive handbag.

Aiden then freaked out because, HELLO, his fucking parents were back. And sooner than he had anticipated too.

Then Aiden started panicking because what if his parents had walked in on Matìas crushing him and probably thought "they did the do"

He wasn't looking forward to having that conversation with his parents, if you catch his drift.

He was almost scarred once but thankfully escaped though the universe probably wouldn't be that nice to him a second time.


Matìas and him weren't even dating.

Sure they went on a date, kissed and confessed their undying liking-ness for each other AND cuddled more than once but it was never made official, y'know? Aiden had just decided on going with the flow and seeing where they went from there but explaining that to his parents would be a hard nut to crack.

They'd think that Matìas and him were being ridiculous because they apparently go by this life quotes for teens morals thing "if you like them and they like you. Date. if you like them and they dont reciprocate your feelings, suck it up and move on", which, admittedly, helped him in the long run but that ain't the point.

Point was, they'd think Matìas was his sneaky-link and that wouldn't make a really good first impression.

But thankfully, a grumbling from Aiden's stomach made him remember that he was initially awake because he needed food, not a mid-life crisis.

So he cleared his head and headed straight to the kitchen, because that was shit he could deal with later, and decided on making him a few cheese sandwiches and some hot cocoa which, admittedly, wasn't the best combination but ,really, he was too hungry to care.

He hopped on the counter after a few painful minutes of getting his midnight- or in this case morning- snacks ready, not waiting a second before he took a huge bite out of the sandwich.

Like he said, he was hungry.

A squeaking nose emitting from the stairs caught his attention, he whipped his head to the side so fast he was surprised he hadn't gotten a whiplash and quickly grabbed the nearest thing that was next to him (which turned out to be a butter knife) and kept it in a tight grip in one hand.

"Aiden?" a hoarse voice whispered out and Aiden narrowed his eyes into the darkness.

"Depends. Who's asking"

The person walked into the light and Aiden let out a breath he had no idea he was even holding.

"Jeez Matías, I almost stabbed you with a butter knife" he showed Matìas the butter knife which was in his hand, moving it left to right like one does with a flag.

Matìas lazily raised an unamused brow at the knife "Uhuh sure. what are you even doing down here anyway"

Aiden gestured to the snacks "I was hungry" he muttered, kind-of embarrassed.

"What about you? When I left you, you were fucking snoring your arse off up there"

Matìas snorted, unamused "first of all, I don't snore. Second of all, I woke up because I realised that the person I was holding wasnt actually a person and was instead a pillow. I don't appreciate that, by the way"

Aiden huffed, his ego a little hurt. he really thought he was being sneaky and stealthy "oh fuck me. a man's gotta eat when a man's gotta eat"

next thing he knew, Matìas was between his legs, arms on either side of him and face close to his, basically trapping him.


Aiden gulped.

Matias smirked, noticing his reaction.

"You're right. And right now, I'm feeling a little hungry"

"Is that so?" he questioned, heart beating rapidly in his chest.

"Mhm. Any suggestions on what to eat, Aiden?" Matìas asked, eyes already trained on his lips.

Aiden brought his lip between his teeth on instinct.

"W-well, we've got cheese sandwiches"

"Hmm. how about something a little more...tasty. Like perhaps, I don't know, Aiden served on a golden platter, maybe?"

"We don't have that on the menu" Aiden squeaked.

Matìas smirked.

"Then I'll make it on the menue" and dipped his head forward.

woah baby.

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