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"you are a fucking psychopath"

"no. you're just a fucking maniac who doesn't understand greatness when they see it"

"Harhar. I'm literally so disappointed right now. If I knew that you were secretly sick in the head, I would have never agreed to come along"

"'s just mustard" Matias rolled his eyes, amusement evident in his tone.

"No!" Aiden shot up with wide, disgusted eyes, ignoring curious eyes that turned his way at the noise "it's a fucking hate crime that's what it is"

Matias smirked, holding eye contact with Aiden while he grabbed a French fry drenched in mustard and plopped it in his mouth. "Mmm that tastes fucking delicious"

Aiden's jaw dropped "Fucking sick I'm telling you. You need a therapist ASAP. no no...we need to put you in mental asylum. You're fucking mentally not right up there" he pointed to his head. "My god, you have issues"

They were seated in the back of a really cozy diner, the huge window displaying other shops and a road drenched in rainwater.

It may seem like they were discussing mustard but in was just Aiden preaching about how disgustingly sick mustard was and how it shouldn't be let allowed in the country-or wait no, the world.

Matias rolled his eyes yet again as he sipped on his coke.

The sound of rain mixed with the soft music which played throughout the diner added to create a warmth in the atmosphere.

And Aiden would have been fanboying over the diner if he wasn't so pressed about Matias eating and fucking enjoying mustard drenched French fries.

He should be lucky he's attractive and he's personality is spot on because this....this is just fucking unacceptable.

Aiden shook his head as he took a large bite into his burger. "This...this is something I will never be able to overcome"

Matias snorted "You are being way too dramatic for it to be deemed normal. It's just mustard need to cry about it"

"The last thing I would do is cry over a disgusting sauce" Aiden huffed, a true look of disgust written all over his face.

"Hmm. so you're saying that if it were to be any sauce which was not mustard, the chances of you to cry over it would be a definite yes?"

Aiden's jaw dropped at the assumption "My god. no you fucking dumbass, I wouldn't cry over some dumbass sauce. I'm not five"

"Then why are you suddenly so defensive. It's okay Aiden. I admit that it is a bit weird but at the end of the day it wouldn't be on the list of things people do that is considered excruciatingly disturbing"

With furrowed brows and down-turned lips, blondie replied "What the actual hell are you even saying right now"



"Which movie do you want to watch"

Aiden shrugged as he typed away in his phone. "It doesn't matter"

Matias groaned.

Aiden has been like this ever since they left the diner an hour ago.

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