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Aiden was fucking stressing. He was a nervous mess, fretting over what to wear and how to act and what to do and it was all just so fucking overwhelming.

The only information he had gotten out of Matias was that the male would be picking him up at seven thirty which was about an hour from now, not saying anything about the dress code.

Damn it.

Aiden was finding it hard to process the whole situation. Here he was, trying to find an appropriate outfit that he could wear on his date with Matias.


With Matias.

Honestly, if he was dreaming, someone better not try to pinch him because damn, was it a fucking good dream.

Just a few months ago, if someone had told Aiden that he would bump into a stranger who would soon because his neighbour, classmate and crush, he would have laughed in your fucking face, because let's be honest, this was no cheesy ass wattpad story.

But it seemed that the universe had other plans for him.

Groaning, Aiden just decided on his best pair of black jeans with rips, favourite pair of vans and a black woolen sweater that Nora had bought him a year ago which still managed to sit big on him because unfortunately, Aiden hadn't grown much throughout the years. Not that he was going to admit any of that out loud.

Nibbling on his bottom lip, he stared at his reflection, face flushed and heart beating terribly fast.

His hair had grown longer, blonde curls falling over his eyes which was continuously swept back by his hand. He should really consider getting it cut short, but a memory of Matias saying he liked Aiden's hair like this invaded his mind and any thoughts of cutting hair were long gone.

It was weird yet oddly comforting how Matias had become the only thing Aiden could think about.


He found it hard to think of anything other than the hot dude who stayed next door.

Another groan left Aiden's lips.

He was worried about fucking up. Afraid of saying some dumb embarassing shit that he would cry about in his late night self pity sessions for whenever he remembered dumb shit he did.

Try it. It's relieving.

A knock broke Aiden out of his thoughts, his heart about three seconds away from leaping out of his chest. He hadn't realized that time had passed so quickly.

There could only be one person at the door.

This was it.

Aiden grabbed his phone and keys before rushing down the stairs, taking a deep breath before opening the front door.

There he found Matias with his hands in his pocket and a close-lipped smile playing at his lips.

The two males made eye contact and just like that, everything and everyone around them became nothing but a blur.

It was becoming a constant thing for Aiden, getting lost in Matias' eyes that was. It was just something about those ocean blue orbs that lured him in.

"Hey" Matias breathed out, effectively breaking the invisible like barrier that his them from the rest of the world. "You look fucking amazing"

Aiden blushed, a chuckle emitting from his lips. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" he took this as his opportunity to check Matias out.

He was in some black jeans aswell, accompanied with some hightops, a white hoodie and his signature leather jacket.

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