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For once, Aiden could finally say that school was enjoyable.

Not because the work was partially easy or whatever shit. But because he had spent almost all his classes with Matìas.

In a friendly way, of course.

The male managed to make everything enjoyable. Even fucking history.

Sure they were called out a few times for unintentionally speaking or laughing loudly (curtsy of Aiden) but that wasn't the point here.

He had never enjoyed classes that fucking much.

Which was weird because he absolutely loathed history.

The subject itself was annoying. And absolutely revolting.

Honestly speaking, if you told him that he'd find history fun, he'd probably laugh in your face and reply with something along the lines of "History? Fun? Yeah and pigs are secretly fucking fairies"

And what was even more fucked up, was that they actually managed to get work down.

How? Aiden for the life of himself had no fucking clue.

They were currently seated in Maths, which was thankfully the last period of the day.

Yes, they were one of those fucking unfortunate souls.

Mr Bald Spot was someone that Aiden dreaded seeing. His class was as boring as ever. But also, Aiden never had any friends in Maths class until now, but Bald Spot had to mess that shit up too, didn't he?

Aiden sighed sadly as he leant his head into his palm, his eyes casted out the window.

Unfortunately, this was the only class where Aiden and Matìas couldn't sit together because Mr Bald Spot liked his class seatings in alphabetical order. Fuck him.

So now, they were on opposite ends of the class. Matìas had unfortunately gotten the seat next to Lora, one of Inge (the popular girl)'s followers.

Every now and then when Mr Bald Spot's back was turned, Matìas would send Aiden a look of pain as Lora tried to flirt with him, causing him to try and contain his cackles which he wanted to let out so badly.

It was pretty funny to witness

"Mr Elliot i'd prefer it if you'd pay attention instead of staring into space"

Aiden rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Oh suck it baldy

There were thirty seven students in this class, and not one of them were paying attention. But Baldy just had to call him out.

He was a serious pain in the fucking arse.

'Just another twenty five minutes before class ended' that's what he told himself

Yes, he was keeping count, because that was much more interesting than listening to Baldy rant about the proper way to measure what ever the fuck it was that they were meant to measure.

Aiden furrowed his brows as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Glancing at Baldy and seeing that the coast was clear, he fished his phone out his pocket, rolling his eyes as he realized that Matìas was the one to text him.

They had exchanged numbers a few days prior—well technically, Matías stole Aiden's phone and put his number in.

He was such a pain in the ass. And if that wasn't enough, his contact name was even more annoying, if possible.

Hot sexy hunk of a man (Matías): help me. (sent 1 minute ago)

Aiden just barely contained a chuckle. He took a glance at Matìas only to see that he was staring helplessly back at him.

Poor guy

Aiden thought, his shoulder shaking as he laughed at Matías's pain.

Hot sexy hunk of a man (Matías): yeah laugh. Because it's just soooo funny ( sent just now)

Aiden snorted a bit too loudly but thankfully the universe loved him at that moment so Baldy wasn't able to hear.

Me: forgot u could see me ;) oops (sent just now)

Hot sexy hunk of a man (Matías): I never knew u were this mean ( sent just now)

Aiden rolled his eyes at that, a smile playing at his lips.

Me: okay mr dramatic. whatever ya say ( sent just now)

"Aiden Summers. Pay attention!"

Aiden jumped in his seat, quickly shoving his phone in his pocket, mumbling a half assed "sorry sir"

A snort from the other side of the room caught his attention and he sent a quick glare to Matías who was quite literally shaking in his seat as he silently laughed at the blonde.

Ooo. You just wait until until class end Matías. We'll see who's laughing then.


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