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There was a huge weight on top of him and Aiden was sure that he was a few seconds away from passing out because of not being able to breath.

He didn't want to die like this.

It was a sad, low-key embarrassing, way to die and definitely not something he'd want written on his tombstone for the whole town to see.

'Cause of death: crushed by unknown source'

Yeah, it's a no from him.

He groggily opened his eyes, almost immediately shutting them again and cursing hell at the same time.

Why the fuck was he awake.

His pitiful self wallowing almost made him forget about the-very heavy- weight on top of him which was currently cutting off his air supply.


He popped one eye open, looking at the huge male laying on top of him.

Yes people.

ON him.

Jealous yet?

Aiden almost screamed until he realized it was Matías.

He still did it internally though.

Because when the actual fuck did Matías stay over.

And how'd they end up in his room.

On his bed.

With Matías ON him. Literally. ON.

It was like Aiden was the bed.

He quickly checked to see if he was fully clothed and mentally thanked the gods when he was.

He wasn't about to lose his butt v-card and not remember when- and-how he did.

Doesn't matter how much he liked Matias.

And he wasn't about to die from being crushed either.

And fucking hell if Matias didn't weigh twice the weight Aiden did.

Seriously, Aiden was literally five feet and fucking ten inches with just-just muscle.

The fuck was he supposed to do with a fucking dude the size of a fucking bear on top of him.

Push him off, of course.

Or atleast that's what he was tempted to do but that would just be cruel and besides, Matias was looking really fucking cute right now so he'd suffer for a few minutes longer if it meant getting to enjoy this wonderful view before him.

After a few minutes of admiring and taking in Matias' beautiful features, he decided that was enough suffering for one morning and pushed-or atleast tried to push the fucking bear-like-human off of him.

In the end, he had given up and opted in regrettably waking Matìas up instead.

He seriously needed to work out.

"Matias" his voice was soft and catious. He wasn't sure if Matìas was a morning person and he definitely did NOT want to deal with a prissy half-asleep Matias.


"You have to get up" he sighed, almost guiltily.

Matìas made a noise of disapproval and instead rubbed his cheek against Aiden's chest like a puppy and Aiden would've squealed if he wasn't struggling to breath and dammit, he had a motherfucking piss.

"As much as I find that extremely fucking adorable, I really need to piss Matìas and you're not exactly the lightest person"

Matias grumbled and, thankfully, slowly rolled off of him and damn Aiden felt fucking free-and like he could fucking breath again, which he could even while Matias was on top of him but- y'know what, nevermind, he needs to fucking piss.

Aiden rushed to the bathroom, sighing as he finally got to relieve his bladder and took the time to brush his teeth and wash his face.

He walked back into the room feeling presumably refreshed and smiled at the sight of Matìas tangled in the blankets.

His blankets.

Dang, he won't be washing those fucking sheets for atleast another week.

Aiden checked the time and sneered at the fucking universe because why the actual fucking hell was he awake at five in the morning.

All that teeth brushing and face washing for nothing.

Grumbling, he returned back to bed and Matìas welcomed him, wrapping a huge arm around his waist and pulling him flushed against his chest with his head in his neck.

Matìas sniffed a bit and mumbled into his neck.

"You smell minty"

Aiden chuckled softly, already dozing off.

"Go back to sleep you big oaf"

All he got was a squeeze in response.

Here he was, laying in bed with Matías two weeks after their date.


The word still made Aiden feel all giddy instead.

Who knew it would come to this?

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