Chapter 5 - Summoning familiars part 1

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~⁕(y/n)'s POV⁕~

Once Kalego-san walk far from us Iruma-nii and I let out a breath we have been holding in "Phew!" " now in short incompetent students will be forced to withdraw from school right away" Kalego-san said. 

"WHAT!?" some of the student yelled shock of what he said "I said shut up!" Kalego-san commanded he then pick up something like a cutely pink long flat TV with pink devil wings and turned it on.

"A guide to summon familiar!" a somewhat cute pink heart with a demon tail that appeared on the screen said "first walk into the magic circle. two draw a circle using your own blood on the given parchment. three then burn the parchment with the flames" the pink heart demon stated. 

After the pink heart demon stated the instructions Kalego-san suddenly throw the TV to the ground affectively breaking it also scaring us "Stupid guide" Kalego-san muttered.

'Looks like he doesn't like cute things...' I stiffly smiled "Now, I already drawn my demonic symbol on this parchment" he then showed us the parchment with a symbol drawn onto it. 

"If someone has a fake one we will recognized it immediately" he said while glancing at us "Sensei, are familiars dangerous?" a random student from the crowd asked. 

"What a silly question. familiars are ''servants that always serves it's masters''" he stated and continued on "If familiars lays a hand on their masters..." he pause.

A flash suddenly appeared once it vanish, Kalego-san was seen holding the TV that was thrown before had a burned hole that was made by Kalego-san's hands "will be punished" he ended his sentence.

"Now... Line up and shut up!" Kalego-san ordered 'He sure knows how to be intimidating...' I thought with sweat dripping off my face from fear. 

"What's up with him? It's like he's trying to pick a fight with us" Asmodeus said with irritation he then look at Iruma-nii and I "So do you want me to use a special method and kick his ass!" Asmodues asked us.

"Ah no!" me and Iruma-nii panickily said "Hey! you three I said line up are deaf?!" Kalego-san said to the three of us angrily. 

"I apologize for our behavior Kalego-san!" I apologize along with briefly bowing to him when I look back from him he had a slight look of shock "Then you're forgiven" he said then turned around and walked somewhere in the room. 

Students started to summon their familiars in different sizes and looks "Next" Kalego-san ordered the next student to come up which was Asmodeus. Once he summoned his familiar I was amazed by it's majestic beauty. 

'A gorgon snake...' Kalego-san thought both me and Iruma-nii ran up to him in excitement "You're so amazing azz-kun!" Iruma-nii praised Asmodeus while I compliment his familiar "It's so big azz-kun!".

"Thank you for the compliment my lord, my lady" he said while slightly bowing to us "But, surely compared to my lady and lord's summoning spell... I don't know which is better?" Asmodeus stated "Eh?" I was confused to what he said.

'That's Asmodeus for you... I can't believe he was defeated by in the hands of that honor student. Is that brat really strong? How about the other one? Well we'll see about that' Kalego-san thought while looking at Iruma and (y/n).

It was Iruma-nii turn to summon his familiar 'Wait aren't we humans? could we even summon familiars?' I realized, nervousness arise within me upon knowing which didn't go unnoticed by Asmodeus. 

"Mi lady are you alright?" Asmodues worriedly asked me "Ah! I'm alright just a little nervous right now! No need to worry..." I answered, my tone lowering as I answered. 

"It's alright my lady your familiar will be strong!" Asmodeus tried to comfort me with a shining smile 'For some reason, that gotten me more nervous' I thought then let out a breathe and turned to him. 

"I'm okay now Azz-kun, I thank you for comforting me" I said while giving him a small smile "Ah! Then, let us watch Iruma-sama summon his familiar!" he said in a flustered tone with a hint of redness on his cheeks.  

We then look back at Iruma-nii. We see him now burning his parchment once the flames fully burned it a bright flash blinded us on instinct I put my hands up to cover my eyes trying to see what's happening in front of me in fear we will get expose. 

Once the light was gone we were shock to see.....KALEGO-SAN!?

Kalego-san's upper body is connected from the magic circle that was on the ground while his lower half was still on the place he is standing on

"HHUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAHH??!!" Iruma-nii let out a loud scream "What have you done to my body, you impudent brat!?" Kalego-san yelled at Iruma-nii while me, Asmodeus and the rest of the student were at the background standing flabbergasted at the scene. 

"I really don't know!" Iruma-nii answered back "Stop it... Stop your summoning ritual!" Kalego-san ordered Iruma-nii once I gotten off my shock I decided to help them. 

"Iruma-nii pull Kalego-san's upper half while I push his lower half!" I instructed Iruma-nii and he did what I told him to do while I pushed Kalego-san's legs. 

"Hmmm! Ah!" I yelped when Kalego-san was launch out of the circle in Iruma-nii's side but once he was, there was a poof a smoke appeared that covered him. 

"Sensei!" I shouted in worry then ran up to the magic circle where Iruma-nii and Kalego-san is while Asmodeus also ran up once seeing me running to the magic circle.

Once I was there the smoke started to disappear and now we saw a... Flying creature..? A fluffy bird? 

"Eh?...EEEEEEEHH??!!" Iruma-nii screamed beside me while I stared in shock, Asmodues finally gotten to us now staring at Kalego-san now realizing he turned into a creature gaped his mouth in shock, Kalego-san started to touch himself to see if he's not hallucinating before falling to the ground from shock. 

"Ah! Sensei are you alright?!" I said in worry "Stupid... This is utterly stupid..." Kalego-san muttered shaking in shock. 

"Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus said and walked up to us having his head down making Iruma-nii and I now aware of Asmodeus "Ah! Azz-kun please help us!" Iruma-nii pleaded. 

"I fell great admiration for your courage!" Asmodeus now showed us his tear stained face "WHAT!" Iruma-nii shouted

'Now is not the time for that!!' Iruma internally screamed inside his mind.

End Of Chapter 5
Word Count: 1137

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