Chapter 12 - A New student and a new found friend

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⁕~Tamashi's POV~⁕

Before mistr- I mean (y/n)-sama and Iruma wake up, me and their grandfather, Sir Sullivan have a discussion in his office, where we are now discussing with a serious atmosphere in the room

"Tamashi, since it's difficult to hide yourself when in need to protect the twins especially if you are in your animal form which I read that you're more weaker in that state, I recommend you to attend the school as a student, of course that is your decision-" "I want to attend, Sir Sullivan!" I replied before he finish his sentence.

"Okay then. I already sign the papers in advance for you attending, all we need to do now is complete some tests for you to get your ranking badge and we're done! we should do it now when Iruma-kun and (y/n)-chan are still asleep so we could surprised them!" Sir Sullivan stated happily changing the serious mood from before.

"and we shall do so! I can't wait to attend the school with (y/n)-sama!" I shouted joyfully.

⁕~(y/n)'s POV~⁕

Currently Iruma-nii and I are going to school... on a carriage with Opera-san as the driver, I want to tell ojii-san not to, since I know Iruma-nii doesn't want to attract attention to us but he's busy so he's not here with us... I wonder where Tamashi also gone to? He's not also with us like he sometimes do nor have I seen him in the mansion.. maybe he went shopping?? but Opera the one who goes shopping usually since he knows more where to go-

My thoughts were cut off when the carriage came to an abrupt stop with low chatters can be heard outside, indicating we must have arrived to school.

I stand up with Iruma-nii being behind me, when I was about to reach the door handle it suddenly open revealing Opera holding the door knob with a stool placed for stepping down to then lead to a red carpet that have been placed making us a bit surprised at the preparation after that he announced our presence "(Y/N)-SAMA AND IRUMA-SAMA HAS ARRIVED!!".

'Aah the stares... so embarrassing..' I thought, staring down at my feet to avoid any eye contact with anyone before looking up to see Opera's hand holding up for me to take to which I take and was guided down with Iruma-nii following behind me still shaken up.

after I was down, I slightly bow towards Opera for gratitude, since I bowed I didn't see the short surprised reaction of Opera before he went back to his normal expression.

"ahem. go ahead" Opera indicating to go forward "how do you expect us to go ahead?!" Iruma-nii whispered beside me but still walked ahead.

while walking on the red carpet ojii-san suddenly appeared in front of us, startling me a bit at his sudden appearance "(y/n)-chan! Iruma-kun!~ I bought both of you a mobile phone! now you can call me anytime!" I took mine and Iruma's phone that ojii-san gave before I was pulled into the crowd by Iruma-nii while ojii-san wasn't looking making him look for us when he didn't saw us in front of him "Iruma-kun?! (y/n)-chan?!".

while being drag Asmodues found us "Ah! Iruma-sama! (y/n)-sama! as expected of you! what a wonderful entrance!" Asmodues said so bright fully that he radiates a glow that surrounds him also blinding us after shortly greeting us he was suddenly slammed by Clara who was rolled in the red carpet "BLAM!!".

"Clara! Azz-kun!" I and Iruma-nii yelled in worry then ran up to the two with me reaching faster "morning (y/n)-chi! Iruma-chi" Clara greeted "Clara get out of that! that's dirty!" I scolded her while Opera was coming to us with Asmodues getting up.

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