Chapter 10 - The Abnormal Class in session and rankings

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⁕~(y/n) POV~⁕

Once all of us were seated with Tamashi returning back unnoticed in my hair to hide then Kalego-san- I mean Kalego-sensei began roll calling.

"Agares Picero" an orange haired boy wearing a  sleeping mask yawn in as his answer.

"Asmodues Alice" Asmodues who's sitting with us stands up, bow, and answered "yes sir!".

"Allocer Schneider" a male that has a face of a lion "here!" the male raise his hand to indicate where he was.

"Andro M. Jazz" a male with short purple hair wearing accessories lazily answered "heeerre!".

"X Elizabetta" a female that is wearing a revealing uniform answered "here!" she also raised her hand.

"Valac Clara" Clara stands up and waved her hands up to the air "I'm here Eggy-sensei!" in response Kalego-sensei looked at her in distaste "stop calling me that..".

"Caim Camui" a boy in a form of a light brown owl didn't answered for he was too busy staring at Elizabetta's back since he didn't answered Kalego-san called his name again this time the owl boy answered back still staring at Elizabetta who turned back to face him "he-here!".

"Garp Goemon" a male with his face covered in white hair that is also carrying a katana answered. 

"Crocell Keroli" a light blue haired girl wearing circular glasses answered lowly yet enough to be heard "here.." she raise a fist up.

"Shax lead" a yellow haired boy that has zigzag pattern going around his hair is playing on his game boy answered "here. here. here!".

"Sabnock Sabro" Sabnock has his arms cross answered with a smirk "Indeed!" 'what an odd way of answering back' I thought

"Purson Soi" a lilac haired boy with a half bowl and bob cut just stared through the window next to him in silence to which just Kalego-sensei stared at him and went back to calling.

"(y/n)" I answered back with a simple "here!"

"and Iruma" Iruma answered but was cut short "here-" "now let us begin class" Kalego-sensei then slam his book into the desk "All of you outside, we're going to determine your ranks".

'ranks? is this another test?' I thought "the first lesson is a race to the flag at the end of this valley" we're now going in a mini house that teleported us to somewhere that has many mountain, rocky hills, and pillars with small mist surrounding the area.

"your ranks will be determined by the familiar exam that conducted previously, along with this race" Kalego-sensei explain 'I was right this is another one' I then observe more of the surroundings.

"you have to climb countless of mountains and stay away from the area where monster birds are guarding their nest and one more thing... just run through Warbling valley" Kalego-sensei advised.

"what! wait! why not cross Cutthroat valley?!" Sabnock shouted in confusion "for some reason the guardian of Cutthroat Valley doesn't allow trespassers to enter the valley so it's is restricted for now" Kalego answered.

'the guardian of Cutthroat valley is an enormous magical beast that rule that valley' I remembered an information that I read about magical beast.

"I can't accept that! then I will go there if I can't conquer Cutthroat valley my life will be meaningless" Sabnock yelled out.

"what a reckless fool..." Tamashi muttered to me "Don't be irrational Sabro-san, disrupting the guardian of Cutthroat valley is not an idle matter to mess with" I warned Sabnock without looking at him "tch, don't get in my way" Sabnock glared at (y/n).

"everyone be prepared for everything" Kalego-sensei said 'prepare for everything?' Iruma thought confused.

"how about you Eggy-sensei?!" Clara questioned Kalego-sensei "I will follow you later.." Kalego-sensei replied then suddenly everybody but me and Iruma-nii let out their wings, we were startled to say the least.

"if everyone is ready then we can start the racing now.." Kalego-sensei announced 'wait we don't have wings!?' I panic internally.

"Ready! GO!!" once Kalego gave the signal everyone flew in a fast pace leaving a strong gust of wind that was made by their wings with dust flowing in the air, because of everyone flew through (y/n) and Iruma, both Suzuki twins were pushed and is now tumbling towards the edge of the platform they are on with Tamashi again tumbling out of (y/n)'s hair to which now Kalego directed his attention to him.

"waah!" Iruma-nii shriek when we were now falling high up in the air while I think of something that could help us 'wait!' "Tamashi!-" my plan was shortly failed by a voice shouting from above to which is from Tamashi "mistress!! Iruma!" "oh no.." soon massive flock of birds grab us from the back of our uniform

⁕~(3rd POV)~⁕

"what the-" Kalego was cut of by Tamashi's cry "mistress!! Iruma!" Tamashi tried to fly down to save his mistress but was grab by Kalego "what are you doing here?.." Kalego thought aloud.

"let go off me now!!" Tamashi yelled at Kalego which surprised him but didn't let go off him yet "what the? a talking creature?.." Kalego was confused.

"I'm Tamashi! the familiar of (y/n) so let go, fluffball!" Tamashi stated. Kalego got irritated by Tamashi's nickname for him so he finally let go- well to be specific throwed him. 

"finally! mistress- wah!?" once Tamashi looked to where (y/n) and Iruma was supposed to be but it was too late for when both Kalego and Tamashi were talking the birds that carry them already flew far and unknowingly now in Cutthroat valley. 

which also Sabnock is also going in the same valley who is true to his word went through Cutthroat valley and on his way, he was greeted by strong gust of wind "ugh! curses! this is how it should be! Cutthroat is treacherous but more shorter and that's why everyone who dreams of becoming the demon king goes through this path to earn their ranks!" he stated to no one but himself. 

"who cares a damn about the guardian!? I'll defeat the beast myself-" "Don't be irrational Sabro-san, disrupting the guardian of Cutthroat valley is not an idle matter to mess with" he was cut of by his thought of (y/n)'s warning.

"tch, why did I remember what she said..." he said 'but for some reason I feel warm inside that someone other than my family cares about me..' he thought creating a hint of red on his cheeks. 

while he was preoccupied in his thoughts, he flown through where the guardian of cutthroat valley is resting who awoke once Sabnock was a little far away and flew towards his direction leaving a massive white bird that is resting.

Pandora secret

Both Tamashi and Kalego are worried and now lookin for the blue haired girl along with her brother

(y/n) thought of befriending this "Purson Soi" later

Sabnock gained an questionable interest to (y/n)

Clara still reminisce where (y/n) played as her husband and is confused whether she like like her or not

There will be more types interest coming later on or be revealed later on

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