Chapter 9 - The Abnormal Class

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⁕~(3rd POV)~⁕

the group of four? five? consisting of (y/n), Iruma, Asmodues, Clara, and Tamashi who is not visible for he formed into a much smaller bat to hide in (y/n)'s hair are standing infront of a massive door that leads to another room

"the abnormal class is located in this place.." Iruma stated looking at the map that Sullivan gave him 'I said I don't want to get noticed at all but... I didn't expect this...' Iruma thought sweatdropping.

"the four of us come to class fu fu fu~🎶" Clara sang "If I can go with (y/n)-sama and Iruma-sama, I will overcome any hardships" Asmodues declares "ah~ thank you Azz-kun but don't go constantly exhausting yourself, okay?" (y/n) advised.

"I'll be sure to not worry you too much (y/n)-sama!" Asmodues replied "you better not Asmodues, I don't want you to make my mistress have more troubles.." Tamashi threatened "and remember to the both of you. Tamashi, Asmodues. no fighting" (y/n) glared at the two said males "yes ma'am" the both of them look away from her face the reason? she doesn't look intimidating rather looking- 'cute' both males thought remembering (y/n)'s expression.

"now the door..." (y/n) returned to the main topic "it looks old!" Clara said "is it okay to step-" Iruma was cut off by Clara pushing him and (y/n) with Tamashi falling out of her hair towards the door "a surprise attack!" "wha!?" Iruma and (y/n) then got through the door and what greeted their sight was a sword coming at them "(y/n)-sama! Iruma-sama!" Tamashi and Asmodues cried in worry.

Iruma and (y/n) duck down to dodge the swords that came at them, going much forward greeted them more swords. they then dodge to the left, down, right, and forward to dodge all of them, once they were out of the way Iruma fell to the floor while (y/n) was sat down beside him panting.

"BRAVO!!" the students who were in the room before them cheered out at both of the twin's stunt they then walk towards them to congratulate "well done you guys!" a yellow haired male said "great!" a female wearing a revealing uniform exclaimed "that's honor students for you!" a talking owl in a uniform claim "(y/n)-chi and Iruma-chi is so brilliant!" Clara praised.

"hey! those who lost the bet, please give your money!" a male with short black hair loudly stated "wha- what the hell are you doing!?" Asmodues yelled out in anger while Tamashi was just glaring at them while hiding somewhere near the corner of the room to not be seen.

"play a prank on students who step inside the class of course" the female who is wearing a revealing uniform answered "this is a real weapon?.." Iruma look terrified "we bet how many of those will hit one of you but don't worry the clinic is nearby" the yellow hair male said while floating cross leg.

'so this is the abnormal class huh?' both Tamashi and (y/n) thought looking at the other students 'we just step in and almost got killed!' Iruma started to sweat.

"the both of you are the only ones who dodge them all but there's one guy who took them all the damage" the yellow haired male declare "what?!" both Iruma, (y/n) and Asmodues shouted in shock.

⁕~(y/n) POV~⁕

"then he must be seriously injured! Is he okay?!" I said in worry for the male that took the most damage.

"RIDICULOUS!!" someone shouted out "DODGING IS AN ACT OF A COWARD!" we then look toward it came from to see a tall buff male having sword sticking onto him "I Sabnock Sublo is the most suitable to be in position of the next demon king!" the male who is Sabnock declares.

after his declaration he walk toward where Iruma-nii and I are at "listen here honor students I will become yodh and the demon king! soon you will also kneel at my fe-" suddenly Sabnock's head was slap from behind when he turned around to see who it was he saw no-one.

'as if my mistress and her brother will!..' Tamashi who was the one who slap Sabnock head, thought angrily while staring at Sabnock.

"huh? what is this "yodh" thing?" Iruma-nii questioned "Iruma-nii, yodh is the highest rank you can get in the demon ranking" (y/n) answered "she's right yodh is the highest rank a demon can achieve. Rulers from the demon world will select the best "demon king" from people who hold rank yodh.." Sabnock explains further.

"the demon king, ruler of the netherworld, the one who governs all species.. however it takes years for this position to be vacant" Sabnock said "I will become the next demon king! to get this position I have to promote so..." Sabnock took hold of a sword that is sticking onto him and crushed it "those who dare challenge me. will be crushed like this sword..." Sabnock threaten me and Iruma.

'what huge strength!' I thought staring at the metal shards fall on the floor "and so you pick a fight with a teacher and is now put in here" the floating yellow haired male stated teasingly "I think that defeating high rank guys in the school is the shortest way" Sabnock replied.

"who the heck are you?! creating a fake reputation is the best thing you both can do and you, you don't even know a damn thing about demon king!" Sabnock pointed at me and Iruma-nii.

"hey... are you really a demon?!" Sabnock came to a conclusion that panic the both of us before Sabnock could come any closer to us, Asmodues step in the way blocking him from us "that's enough. Sabnock.." Asmodues said alarmingly having a cold expression on.

"well well well, if it isn't Asmodues" Sabnock smirked at the male infront of him 'they know each other?' I thought observing both tall males.

"you ranked first in the entrance exam and your familiar is a gorgon snake!" Sabnock said "my familiar is a Kelpie! my familiar has more legs than yours, so my familiar is stronger" he then exclaim "what non-sense are you spouting?!" Asmodues roared.

"from the day you became the both honor student's servant, you have lost the rights to be my rival" Sabnock announces "hey! who wants to be your rival?! and watch your words.. I'm not a their servant I'm-" Asmodues then put a hand to where his heart is "-(y/n) and Iruma -sama's friends!" Asmodues exclaims pridefully.

 "friend is a person who is always by your side share your sorrows and joy-" "wait don't exaggerate it!" "well it is true Iruma-nii haha.." "besides for (y/n) and Iruma -sama, I have accepted a great indenture and I have to pay for it with my life!! that's how we adapt to all circumstances!!" Asmodues finished his speech.

'what's so great about this?!' Sabnock thought "now, calm down Asmodues remember no fighting" (y/n) said, after the situation settle down the down slam open and the person who did it was Kalego-san!

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Kalego-san shouted "your voices is too loud that I can hear it in the distance! I must correct all of you!!" Kalego-san stated "Kalego-san!" Iruma-nii and I called out to him "good to see you again back at good health, Kalego-san!" I said warmly "so Eggy-san is our homeroom teacher?! wonderful!" Clara said excitedly while running around Kalego-san.

"on the day of the meeting, someone planned to harm me... and I was appointed to be the homeroom teacher of this class" Kalego-san explained glaring at Iruma-nii who looked away from his gaze.

"Hey! hurry up and sit down stupid brats! the class already begun!" Kalego-san announces

Pandora secret

Tamashi found out that (y/n)'s hair is big enough for him to hide into

(y/n) thinks she will need to train again to not let anything harm any of them

Kalego-san was a bit relived to see his one favorite person is in his class

(A/N): hello again! for those who didn't read my (A/N) chapter this is a reminder that I'm mostly using what happens in the translated manga rather than the anime so there are differences in the plot. I will sometimes put in scenes in the anime but mostly the plot comes from the translated manga!

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