Chapter 21 - Effort

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~⁕(y/n) POV⁕~

After discussing more about the training, ojii-san decided for us to go back home for training while classes are still in session "thank you for training us personally, grandpa! We hope we did not bother you on anything because of this.." I said my gratitude to my adoptive grandfather with a hint of guilt through my sentence. 

"don't worry, (y/n)-chan, Iruma-kun. I'm glad that you reach out to me anyways!" ojii-san said in content "and I said that if you need anything, ask me!" ojii-san stated with his head held high in pride while his left hand rest on his hip as his other hand curl up into a fist with his thumb out to point towards him.

*Blink* *Blink* I blink my eyes, being unimpressed from his pose "...Okay ojii-san. We'll remember that" I responded with a blank look on my face which ojii-san saw and deflate like a balloon in grief "why do you have that face?!" a chibi version of grandpa cried out in front of the three of us "sorry..." I said in shame, my head looking down to the ground to avoid eye contact, expecting to be scolded "-eh! It's okay, It's okay! Uh.. Oh! Here, give this a light throw!" ojii-san hurriedly put a dodgeball in my hand. 

'That will distract her! I think...' Sullivan thought anxiously. As the scene play infront of them, the boys watch at the side of the commotion with a sweat drop look.

I snap out of my position and look at the ball that was place in my hands "throw it at that boulder" ojii-san instructed to me pointed to the side where I then saw a massive boulder "okay then... but I think my throw can't reach that far though" I stated to my grandpa that's beside me, doubting my capabilities "you'll be fine as you do as I say" ojii-san reassured me "and listen up Iruma, this is just an easy example so it will not trouble you when you do so also" ojii-san said to Iruma from behind us.

"Now copy my stance" ojii-san fix the space of his legs to shoulder length "uh.. like this?" I ask after I copied his same position "yes, perfect!" ojii-san answered proudly "don't pull back your arm too far, either" he advised "okay" I said while giving a nod in understanding.

"Now try throwing the ball" ojii-san told me before he back away to the side to give me more space "sounds simple enough to do..." I mumble out my comment, as I back up my arm where I hold the ball "oh! When you throw it, shout "Ribera!"" ojii-san stated almost forgetting the last step "alright here I go! Ri, Be, Ra!" as I have thrown the ball while yelling "Ribera", a bright cyan light came out through my ring and form into a dragon! It then charge through the boulder, resulting it to crumble to chunks of rocks that scattered around the area.

After the blow happened, the dragon still continued on moving up diagonally towards the sky "Woo-hoo! Well done. You'll defiantly annihilate them, without doubt!!" ojii-san gave me an okay hand gesture at my splendid performance "yeah, there's no doubt!" Tamashi joined in "mhm!" Iruma nodded in agreement. All of the compliments that was given to me made me blushed in shyness "ah- th-thanks!" I stuttered, even if I felt embarrassed I still felt proud of my accomplishment.

"Now that's all you need to know is to do that. Training complete!" ojii-san said very unexpectedly that baffled us to the core "Wah!? That's all?! B-but this is just magic.. When I use it, it seems like I'm just cheating through with powers and all. Not anything of my own hard work... I'll feel frustrated if I don't put all in it. So that's why I'll not use any magic at all, because I want to win it fair and square!" I shouted, putting all of my feeling through my speech "oh-ho! I see~. You should know though it will be difficult" ojii-san said in amusement. 

"Alright. Iruma come over here" ojii-san called out when he looked towards Iruma-nii and Tamashi's direction and did a 'come here' hand gesture, Iruma obeyed and came closer to our spot. Once he was besides me, ojii-san put out his hands infront of us "place both of your hand on my palm" ojii-san instructed us which we follow his words and did what he said. As we done his order, our hands began to glow a fading light "there we go! I merely strengthen your hands! With this, it will be a fair fight, eh?" ojii-san explained his actions from earlier "wooh! So cool! Thanks ojii-san!" Iruma-nii and I gave out our most sincere smile to show off our gratefulness to our grandfather.

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