Chapter 19 - Clara's plan!

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~⁕3rd POV⁕~

"Ugh! All does (y/n)-chi and Iruma-chi does is play with Lady Redhair lately! No fair!" Clara complained to Sabnock, where she was sitting on his shoulders while he lift some weights "I wonder how I can get (y/n)-chi back.. How, Connor, Murf?" Clara gloom before getting frustrated "How, Sabro?!" Sabnock suggested his solution "what else? thou must charm her with thy feminine wiles".

"If something is take from you, take it back. If it wasn't taken from you, take it back anyway. If something's about to be taken from you, you are a demon. Use your charms to take them back, make them yours, and wrap them around your finger" Sabnock instructed, his answer created an electric shock through Clara's mind in realization 'make them yours and wrap them around your finger!' Clara imagined the scene before laughing evilly.

'Just you wait, (y/n)-chi, Lady Redhair! I'll take what's mine!' Clara thought daringly.

~⁕(y/n) POV⁕~

At the Classroom

The others were sitting down on another table while I was sitting next to Purson, answering things on the given paper about choosing our electives "torture, training, pharmacology, etc..." I mutter out, reading various selections that my caught my interest, which one of them did and I circle around the name of that elective I've chosen.

"Hm? What did you elective did you choose, (y/n)-chan..?" Purson asked from beside me "Oh, pharmacology! How 'bout you, Soi-kun?.. ah, Classroom lectures" I said with a thrilled spirit "yeah.. Classroom lectures, since it not that draining but it's boring though.. but nothing caught my interest" Soi stated while he take ahold of his paper.

 "Don't worry you'll get there! Perhaps nothing will get your interest now but it would happen eventually!" I cheer my buddy up "yeah.. Maybe not now but later on.." Soi held a troubled expression "ey! Don't be gloomy about it!" I patted his back.

'Thanks..' Soi gave his gratitude to (y/n) in his mind and nodded at her.

"Hey guys, look at this! Clara chose Succubus-sensei's course in seduction!" one of my classmates, Lead yelled out to the others, making the my other classmates gather their attention to Clara with a shock expression.

"Don't you know how to read? You poor thing, I pity you.. pfft" Tamashi said while having a mockingly sympathetic look before breaking down his act and held his mouth to not burst into laughter with Asmodues doing the same beside him "Good one!" Asmodues whispered back.

Clara stood up from her seat and lean forward to Tamashi's face "I can read just fine!" she angerly said "What? Then are you insane? What are you plotting?!" Asmodues said, skeptical at what Clara is planning on "I'm not-!" Clara broke off what she was supposed to say and distance herself from them while whistling before grinning 'I'm going to seduce her, make her mine, and wrap her against my finger!' Clara thought then laughed to herself evilly. 

Her actions spark suspicion that  Asmodues, and Tamashi take precaution 'just what is she planning on?' the two males thought, wary of Clara's plans since she can be pretty... unpredictable sometimes, that it can be scary 'cause you never know what she's planning on is good or.. bad I suppose, not anything far that can partly kill someone though! Oh no, no, no!

'Just you wait, (y/n)-chi' Clara turned around and acted smug "I'll make you fall heads over heels for me!" she yelled out while finger pointing towards Iruma and the others "?" the male trio were confused by her actions but Tamashi snapped out of his own confusion first and.... 

"Sorry, I like someone else" Tamashi blurted out with a straight face "pffft- BAHAHAHAHA!" Asmodues burst out of laughter while holding his stomach "Dummy Tama-chi! It's not meant for you!" Clara roared out in embarrassment with head steaming smoke and her face being flushed red that can be compared to a red chili pepper.

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