Back to Rosewood

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Alison's POV

I don't know what should i do, A is gone, but i'm not shure about staying here. I look at the girls, we're in a bus. Aria and spencer are there, talking. I look around and i see Hanna sleeping. Then, i look at Emily, she's looking trough the window, with a sad face.

I look to my hands, i'm shaking, we're almost there. I look at emily again, now she's looking to the ground, it seems like she's thinking boout something.

I feel the bus stoping, "we're here" i think. I get so nervous, i don't know what to do, maybe i shouldn't came back.

"Come on Ali, we're here" says Spencer standing up.

"Hanna wake up" says Aria trying to wake up hanna

Hanna made some weird noises and she stands up.

I stand up too, i feel my knees shaking, it feels like i'm about to fall. All the girls get out from the bus, but i stay there, in the door.
"I can't do this, i just can't" i think while i start to get in in the bus again, but something stopped me. I feel a hand grabbing mt arm, i look back to see her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes looking at me.

"Please Ali, don't go away. A is gone, you're safe now, you don't have to go again" emily says

In that moment i feel something, something i didn't feel in a long time. I feel her hand grabbing me, her eyes looking at me.

I remeber the last time i felt like this, it was at the library, when she kissed me. I think i know what this means.

I'm not going to run anymore, i'm going to stay here, with her...

I follow her, we're in the middle of the street.

"What should we do now?" Asks Hanna, in a lazy tone, well, she just woke up.

"Ali, what do you want to do?" Asks Aria.

Now, they are looking at me, and i don't know what to say. Should i go to my house, to the police station...

But i just don't feel like doing all those things, go there and explain everything to the cops or my family. It was a long day and i'm tired, i just want to get some rest.

"What if we go somewhere to sleep? I don't feel like explaing everything that happened to someone right now" i explain to them.

"Great, what about if we go to my house?" Says Spencer.

"Yeah" say Hanna and Aria. But Emily just stay there, quiet.

I decide not to ask her, i know something is wrong, but i don't want to mess up things right now.

So we start to walk, quiet, to Spencer's house. I look at Emily, she's so serious.

*Author's note*

So this chapter is kind of short, but there will be longer, i have some ideas for the nexts chapters but if you have any requests comment :) I'll update soon, probably later and this is my first story haha i hope you like it.

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